View Full Version : Phil Hartman was Struck Down in His Prime
Captain Rooster
07-23-2002, 07:22 PM
I miss all of his characters on SNL.
Skidmark made me laugh at a memory of "Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer" tonight.
This guy was killed by a stupid beyotch.
He could have been making us laugh for years to come.
We love you Phil.
This message was edited by LTRooster on 7-23-02 @ 11:35 PM
07-23-2002, 07:32 PM
amen brotha...
i got a simpsons poster today w/ troy mcclure *sniff*
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100,000 years ago, a caveman was out hunting on the frozen wastes when he slipped and fell into a crevasse. In 1988, he was discovered by some scientists and thawed out. He then went to law school and became...
Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer
"Ladies and gentlmen of the jury, I'm just a caveman."
"I fell on some ice and later got thawed out by some of your scientists."
"Your world frightens and confuses me! Sometimes the honking horns of your traffic makes me want to get out of my BMW and run off to the hills or whatever. Sometimes when I get a message on my fax machine I wonder, Did little demons get inside and type it? I don't know! My primitive mind can't grasp these concepts."
"But there is one thing I do know. When a man like my client slips and falls on a sidewalk in front of a public library, then he is entitled to no less than two million in compensatory damages and two million in punitive damages."
"Thank you."
And I miss him as the voice of Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure -- two of the best supporting characters on The Simpsons.
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This message was edited by AJinDC on 7-23-02 @ 11:38 PM
07-24-2002, 10:46 PM
Phil was great at everything he did. Even bit parts in movies and of coarse his television shows.
Even though he's dead it's like he's still around because I watch SNL, Newsradio and Simpsons reruns everyday.
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07-24-2002, 11:48 PM
What will always remind me of Phil Hartman is Captain Carl. . . I would sit infront of the tv every saturday waiting for Pee Wee's Play House to come on. Phil hartman was always a great comedian, like on SNL with the ANAL RETENTIVE CHEF. his characters were as classic as the man himself. Phil, we miss you, even though your death was a while back. We all still miss you.
Goddess Ari's Bitch
<a href=""> Sanity Lost: my Roleplay on Yahoo!</a>
Also, member of the IRISH FACTION
Newsradio is my favorite show. I miss you, Phil.
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