07-21-2002, 08:10 PM
I feel like talking about amelie cause its what is on my mind
This makes the french not so bad who cares if they laid down for the nazis if they make more movies liek Amelie
The girl who plays amelie is adorable to i hope the french clone her and pluss shes french and looks like she doesnt let her arm hair grow
any one else see it im shure alot more peopel will have seen it now cause its rentable and yea i rented it but i wanted to see it for so long and now i did and i say its damm good
now i have to see the vanishing and im set the 1988 one not the 93 american crap one
number 333 its the way to be
This makes the french not so bad who cares if they laid down for the nazis if they make more movies liek Amelie
The girl who plays amelie is adorable to i hope the french clone her and pluss shes french and looks like she doesnt let her arm hair grow
any one else see it im shure alot more peopel will have seen it now cause its rentable and yea i rented it but i wanted to see it for so long and now i did and i say its damm good
now i have to see the vanishing and im set the 1988 one not the 93 american crap one
number 333 its the way to be