View Full Version : Where is your "Hot Spot"?
07-20-2002, 10:35 PM
I find it hard to resist it when a female plays with my "Ears",i always feel the shakes come on when a female starts to stimulate them.The thing that i dont get though,is the fact that i have more sensation in my right ear than my left one!
"If you dont intend on letting me eat your
puss* dont put it in my face"
<IMG SRC="">
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
sexy bastard
07-21-2002, 03:23 AM
when they rub my head
<img src=>
the epitome of masculinity (yeah right)
07-21-2002, 08:11 AM
The thing that i dont get though,is the fact that i have more sensation in my right ear than my left one!
Sometimes it's like that with boobs too. One is more sensitive than the other. I have no idea why.
BTW-I love to play with ears.
Mine is my neck. If you can kiss my neck the right way, it's on!
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*WooHoo, I'm on the Reef!*
This message was edited by Aggie on 7-21-02 @ 12:13 PM
My crotch.
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07-21-2002, 02:32 PM
BTW-I love to play with ears
BTW:you know what might happen to ya if you played with them:)
"If you dont intend on letting me eat your
puss* dont put it in my face"
<IMG SRC="">
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're drive"[b]
07-21-2002, 02:48 PM
my secret spot... well... I'll just leave it out there for someone to discover... it's a secret
my happy spot tho... gotta be the belly... rub mah belly and yeah huge ass smile on my face
"man fears darkness, so he scrapes away at it's edges with fire."
- Rei Ayanami
<img src="" width="300" height="100>
07-21-2002, 03:33 PM
Neck, it's all about the neck. Either being scratched on the back of the neck, or kissed right between my neck and my collar bone - i go berzerk
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~Yoo Hoo, Shake, it's great
07-21-2002, 04:04 PM
My whole entire body. Different women have bring about different erogenous areas.
Directtor of the C.Y.A. Society.
Field Marshal of the K.I.S.S. Army
07-21-2002, 04:13 PM
having my head rubbed and having my neck kissed, especially the back of the neck.
that and having my tookie munched on ;)
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07-21-2002, 05:58 PM
Gotta go with the neck and my ears, just kills me all the time. This one female I hang out, she knows all she has to do is kiss my neck and bite my ears and Im hers, and she has absolutely no problem torturing the shit outta me with it!!!
FEAR....FEAR attracts the fearful....the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt.....FEAR....FEAR is my ally!!!
This message was edited by Gmann on 7-21-02 @ 10:01 PM
07-21-2002, 11:00 PM
that and having my tookie munched on
i so need to hear how you say Tookie,it would be for my own enjoyment of course:)
"If you dont intend on letting me eat your
puss* dont put it in my face"
<IMG SRC="">
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're driving"[b]
07-22-2002, 07:31 AM
Just for you, Earth2Ron:
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07-22-2002, 08:33 AM
Under the heating vent
<img src="">
07-22-2002, 09:24 AM
if a guy starts rubbing the back of my head - i start purring like a kitten- and running their fingers around the shape of my face (it tickles)- My favorite place to be kissed is my lips and neck
I'll get off my SOAP BOX now!
I am a goofball & swell to boot
07-22-2002, 11:18 AM
My lower back. If touched and kissed the right way, it drives me to the edge.
<a href= target=New>
<img src= border=0>
07-22-2002, 03:44 PM
other than kissing my neck.
kissing me softly on the middle of
my forehead, drives me crazy. is
that wierd?
<img src="" width=300 height=100>
07-22-2002, 04:43 PM
thank you much jenn:)
nothing is weird about you,so you dont have to worry at all!
"If you dont intend on letting me eat your
puss* dont put it in my face"
<IMG SRC="">
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're driving"[b]
This message was edited by Earth2RON on 7-22-02 @ 8:45 PM
07-22-2002, 06:05 PM
My just run ur hands up my thigh slightly and ohhhhhh ..... thats the Shiznick lol
But also one kiss and a lick on the neck drives my crazy:)
Come Correct or dont Come At All
07-22-2002, 06:19 PM
my happy spot tho... gotta be the belly... rub mah belly and yeah huge ass smile on my face
my budda!
i like rubbing a guy in a "secret spot" that u only find out if I get to it... hehe
i get tingly if a guy runs his finger up and down my spine... and kisses my stomach... and
...i could go on ;)
<center><b><FONT FACE="Verdana" SIZE="2"><FONT COLOR="#FF8040">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#EC8653">R</FONT><FONT COLOR="#D98C66">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#C59379">S</FONT><FONT COLOR="#B2998C">H</FONT><FONT COLOR="#9F9F9F"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#9F9F9F">F</FONT><FONT COLOR="#849A84">A</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6A946A">C</FONT><FONT COLOR="#508F50">T</FONT><FONT COLOR="#358A35">I</FONT><FONT COLOR="#1A841A">O</FONT><FONT COLOR="#007F00">N</FONT></FONT></b><br>
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07-23-2002, 03:55 PM
My just run ur hands up my thigh slightly and ohhhhhh ..... thats the Shiznick
since i have small hands,i can replace my hands with a soft warm tongue:)
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
<IMG SRC="">
[b]sig pic brought to you by ShelleBink[b]
[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're driving"[b]
07-23-2002, 04:00 PM
Thats even better .....mmmm... thats soundin pretty good though lol..
Wheres that damn forum " Whose feeling horny right now"?
Come Correct or dont Come At All
07-23-2002, 06:42 PM
Wheres that damn forum " Whose feeling horny right now"?
forget that thread mami,ill just whisper some dirty shyt in ya ears,i might even give ya ear a lick or two.....hehe
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
<IMG SRC="">
[b]sig pic brought to you by ShelleBink[b]
[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're driving"[b]
07-23-2002, 07:20 PM
forget that thread mami,ill just whisper some dirty shyt in ya ears,i might even give ya ear a lick or two.....hehe
You guys need to get a room! ;)
<IMG SRC="">
*My name is Aggie, and I am a post whore.*
07-23-2002, 07:44 PM
LoLz nigga come whipser at me but take ur tongue and work it right....:)
Come Correct or dont Come At All
07-23-2002, 07:59 PM
You guys need to get a room
i would prefer outside,so that the rain can fall on us!
nigga come whipser at me but take ur tongue and work it right....
trust me mami,this jamaican nukka knows how to use his tongue!you are suppose to call me nigga in bed remember dat:)
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
<IMG SRC="">
[b]sig pic brought to you by ShelleBink[b]
[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're driving"[b]
This message was edited by Earth2RON on 7-24-02 @ 12:03 AM
07-23-2002, 08:04 PM
Forget the rain how about the shower .... twice the fun...:)
Come Correct or dont Come At All
07-23-2002, 08:31 PM
Forget the rain how about the shower
only if its a hot summer's day like we had today:)
when im in the shower im there to clean myself not get dirty.....hehe
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
<IMG SRC="">
[b]sig pic brought to you by ShelleBink[b]
[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're driving"[b]
07-23-2002, 10:21 PM
*looks at E2R and sing*
play on
play on
"man fears darkness, so he scrapes away at it's edges with fire."
- Rei Ayanami
<img src="" width="300" height="100>
more cowbells
07-24-2002, 03:30 AM
Head rubz.....
"Sweet Melissa....will you marry me?"
07-24-2002, 12:41 PM
i think you are probably the
only person who doesn't think
that i'm wierd.
kissing the back of my shoulders,
is also a real turn on
<img src="" width=300 height=100>
07-24-2002, 01:07 PM
*looks at E2R and sing*
im not a playa,i just flirt alot:)
you ard god sent,so you cant do no wrong:)
[b]"The feelings that we once shared are starting
to disappear as night turns to day"[b]
<IMG SRC="">
[b]sig pic brought to you by ShelleBink[b]
[b]"keep your eyes on the shouldn't be
on your cell phone when you're driving"[b]
07-24-2002, 01:13 PM
kissing me softly on the middle of my forehead, drives me crazy. is that wierd?
You know what, I just saw you wrote that. I love that too. It's very affectionate and comforting, but drives me crazy at the same time. I know what you're talking about! :)
<IMG SRC="">
~Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke.
Now that's an addiction.You ever suck some dick for marijuana?~
*My name is Aggie, and I am a post whore.*
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