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What Did You Blow Up With Firecrackers as a Kid? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : What Did You Blow Up With Firecrackers as a Kid?

Captain Rooster
07-20-2002, 08:55 AM
I can remember making a GI Joe campfire scene in my yard. All the crappy figures were there (Grunt, Shipwreck - you know the ones).

I placed an M80 on the center (the fire), lit it and ran. I still find plastic arms, heads when I mow my lawn.

<CENTER>Ron's Quote of the Day:
"I wouldn't dump when Fez says hiney."</CENTER>

Death Metal Moe
07-20-2002, 05:34 PM
I was never allowed to have Firecrackers, unfortunately. My parents sucked. And none of my friends had them either. The most fun I had was frezing my Joes in little cups in the freezer, and running them under hot water to free them.

Hella Lame.



07-20-2002, 05:55 PM
my favorite was a coffee can with 1/2 inch of gasoline inside. Break the stick off a bottle rocket, or even put it facing down inside...... the bottle rocket would explode and blow flaming gasoline in the air....... that and bottle rocket and roman candle wars with

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"For those who fought for our rights, and for those that gave their lives.And for the families who's loved ones died.Its Their honor for which we still fight." HATEBREED

07-20-2002, 06:20 PM
Growing up in rockaway my neighbors were both a cop and an ADA. So guess where all your fireworks ended up? during the year, I would build model ships such as the Enterprise, Arizona, Utah etc. well on the 4th we had WWII all over again. Cherry bombs really do sink ships

you have two choices: Castration or a one way ticket to New York

The Blowhard
07-21-2002, 07:08 AM
We would always put firecrackers in dog crap and have the retarded kid "join in the fun" and light it. Always funny!
I also blew up every model I built with M-80's. I once blew up a Frankenstein model(remember those?) and his head shot like a rocket into some kids forehead. The kid had a red mark for a week!

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Boba Fett
07-21-2002, 08:41 AM
1 GI Joe guy + rubber band + M80 = flying body parts found as far as 75 feet away.

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The real Kenny Allen
07-21-2002, 09:52 PM
How about a full bag of rice.

Nooo wait, Im the one who says things.

07-22-2002, 03:46 PM
We used to cut Beer cans in half, jam the halves back together, put a firecracker inside, light it and throw it. The halves would go flying off and you never knew where they were going or who they would hit.

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It's not raining - I'm spitting on you!

07-22-2002, 03:51 PM
Every year, we spent the 4th at my cousin's house. Every year, there was a dead bird somewhere in the yard. By time we were done, it was in smaller pieces.

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Thanks J.R.
I Don't Care About Anyone Else But Me - Drowning Pool

07-22-2002, 03:59 PM
i used to shot bottle rockets with gi joes tied to them. it was fun. then i discovered m-60s. I'd tie the nieghbors barbie dolls to them and watch the explode. just recently i got my hands on m-1000s. oh god so super sweet. i haven't ties anything to them and exploded them yet. maybe i'll put one in my bro's treasured derek jeter autographed ball. jeter sucks. Nomar is the man. GO SOX!

Goddess Ari's Bitch
<a href=""> Sanity Lost: my Roleplay on Yahoo!</a>
Also, member of the IRISH FACTION

07-22-2002, 04:07 PM
just recently i got my hands on m-1000s

I hate to disappoint you, but m-1000s have as much power as a small firecracker. They just have more packaging.

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Thanks J.R.
I Don't Care About Anyone Else But Me - Drowning Pool

07-22-2002, 07:01 PM
can't remember blowing up too much but i rememebr throwing a firecracker into a Good Humor truck one time... I had to be 10 or 11 and just remember that I couldn't believe it actually went in the truck... I also remember watching the driver duck as he saw the firecracker come into his truck...
I ran around the corner and hid in back of some old garage, i was really scared and trying to hold my breath so i wouldn't make any noise...

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07-24-2002, 10:52 PM
Fucking stump12 put firecrackers inside the pipes of my hockey net.

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07-24-2002, 10:55 PM
Today, i drilled a hole in my brothers favorite autographed ball and stuck an M-1000 in it. a slight friggin' explosion. so i got a m-60 and put it in the hole. . . i never knew baseballs exploded so nicely. he he. . . but in place of that baseball sits a note and a picture. the note says something about how his ball was destroyed and the picture is of Nomar. also in the not it says. . . "Stop being a front runner and choice a real baseball team, that struggles for a shot at the World Series." "And here is your new Hero, Nomar Garciaparra!" he hates the Red Soxs. anywho. . . thats it

Goddess Ari's Bitch
<a href=""> Sanity Lost: my Roleplay on Yahoo!</a>
Also, member of the IRISH FACTION

more cowbells
07-25-2002, 03:15 AM
My crappy model cars....and boy did I have fun blowing them up! then mom would have to go out and buy me a new one *he-he*

"Sweet Melissa....will you marry me?"

Ralphy Ramone
07-25-2002, 03:37 AM

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"Hey Johnny,hey Dee Dee,
little Ralphy,Joey...
You know we're goin' over,
sweet sweet little Ramona's"...

07-25-2002, 04:17 AM
Growing up in the sticks, my brother and I were veritable munitions experts...

1) long-fused firecrackers tied to those Army parachute guys. Death from above!
2) cherry bombs on Estes model rockets
3) bottle-rocket powered "Penny Racers"
4) "explosive arrows" on a modified archery set (a great idea that, luckily, never worked)

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07-25-2002, 07:11 AM
I blew up some models. We used to superglue the firecracker to the model and made a long fuse out of the glue and some gunpowder from a cut-open firecracker. It was cool to watch the sparks shoot off the thing before lighting the other firecracker which blew it up. I once found an M-80 (don't remember where) but my dad found out and took it. One night he told me and my sister to come downstairs, and he took the M-80 out to the street- mind you this was about 11pm- and put a cigarette-delay fuse on it and ran back to the house. We lived on a corner, and the police questioned everyone in the surrounding houses, but no one saw anything. I thought that was way cooler than turning it in to the authorities...

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The Blowhard
03-02-2003, 09:01 PM
M-1000's? What the hell are those?

03-02-2003, 09:09 PM
i remember standing across the street from where someone was setting off an M-80 in a sand pile...
a small piece of it hit me in the stomach and it stung pretty good...
I was like "Fuck", could've took my eye out...

i don't like fireworks, somebody, somewhere, sometime, is gonna blow a couple fingers off...

it's inevitable....

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03-03-2003, 12:22 AM
We didn't have firecrackers in our family either.
Which ment that July 5 was they day that my brother, all our 7 year old friends and I roamed through the neighborhood, finding all the ones that "didn't go off". A couple of packs of stolen matches and we were hell bent on lighting off some really short fuses or stoping on sizzlers. I had one explode in my hand next to my ear and couldn't hear for hours. It quelled my need to go boom. Brother continued to make matchstick bombs with the neighbors for years.

" editing posts since day one"

This message was edited by golfcourseguy on 3-3-03 @ 4:39 AM

03-03-2003, 01:15 AM
I have to agree. G.I. Joes really go well with firecrackers. I use to tape anything I could to the backs of mine and throw them in the middle of the street. Also when I use to have G.I. Joe wars with my cousin we use to light them on fire or melt off arms or legs. Kind of like battle scars.


"They always win in the end."

03-03-2003, 05:03 PM
My friend and I would light an M80 and put it inside a USA Today box. In an instant, the box would go from a rectangle to nearly a sphere!
My cousin would hold the very end of a regular fire cracker and it would blow up in his hand with no injury. (I wouldnt recomend it!)
Did you ever snap a fire cracker in half and light the gun power? I forget, what do you call that? Some kind of "chaser"...I cant remember.
Im my local news, we hear about how kids have been shooting large bottle rockets into peoples mail box slots on their

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East Side Dave
03-03-2003, 05:13 PM
I used to put some fire crackers in Boba Fett's jet back to make him fly but I just basically created a ball of plastic goo. Smelled good though!

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Big Ass Mafia

03-03-2003, 05:14 PM
Since im only 14, im still blowing shit up today. Any old toys I need to get rid, theyre gone with the power of firecrackers. The best is making a nice gasoline trail that leads up to the cracker then whammo.

Man, Im a funny guy.

shamus mcfitzy
03-03-2003, 05:49 PM
I used to blow up the crappy G.I. Joes that i inherited from some of my older cousins. Once I almost had an arm go right in my eye, luckily I saw it coming at me or they'd call me "ole one-eye".

Man I wish I could be "ole one-eye"

The Blowhard
03-03-2003, 10:00 PM
Since im only 14, im still blowing shit up today

I like this kid.

03-03-2003, 11:16 PM
Do no hold in hand! Lay on ground. Light fuse, get away!!

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"If God intended for us to walk, he wouldn't have invented roller skates."

Def Dave in SC
03-06-2003, 11:23 AM
Damn, i used to--well actaully i still--tape like two or three m-80s to rocks with as much duct tape as possible. twist the fuses together, light and throw! tis great and i know one day it'll be the end of me, but ive survived this for 17 years, so i hope to get at least that many more. Maybe not tho.

i also used to glue bottle rockets to hot weels and race them. but i ran out of hot weels. oh well, at least there will always be more rocks

There's so much drama in the D. of C., its kinda hard bein D.A.V.I.D.