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Why waste your time.....? [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : Why waste your time.....?

Hawiian shirt craig
07-19-2002, 03:41 PM
i dont understand dateing for shits and giggles. the
point of dating is to find the one. to get married
and have a life with someone special. correct? i am
not writing this out of spite, or as a result of a
recent rejection. i am in fact waiting until i go back
to school to open my self for that!

anyway... if the point is to find the one, why have
fuck buddies, random people u date now and then
and a fear of comitment. i dont get it. i dont mean
i am like actively seeking to get married tomorrow,
but if i met my dream girl and it worked out that
way i'd be happy. i'm going to let things take their
course, and all that stuff, but i'd be 100% ok with
meeting the ONE tomrrow and spending the rest of
my life with her.... what do u guys

-Hawiian Shirt Craig

<img src="">

07-19-2002, 04:37 PM
maybe the point isn't to find "The One" for everyone.... It could be that some people date for other reasons. Which I guess doesn't answer your question really at all...

I guess what I'm trying to say is, not everyone is looking for "The One" right now. But nobody likes to be alone, and everybody likes to get laid, right? So what's the harm in dating for shits and giggles?

I married my high school sweetheart when I was 20. Yes, yes, go ahead and laugh; it's REALLY common where I live to do so. I swear I'm not pathetic. Anyway, sometimes I wish I *could* have just dated around as an adult. Of course, then we hang out with our single friends and I'm soooo glad I didn't have to... Still, I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to go out and have all those choices, to not have to be (pardon my cheesy saying here) "tied down" to any one guy. Dating for fun is, well, for fun! What's wrong with that?

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Alice S. Fuzzybutt
07-19-2002, 05:05 PM
Yeah, I never understood people who'd get into a relationship with me knowing (unbeknownst to me)knowing full well they only planned to be with me for a few weeks.

I am very much a relationship sort of person. Maybe that's why I consider myself a late bloomer!

<IMG SRC="">

You wanted the best, you got the best! The hottest sig pic maker in the world: SKIDMARK!

07-19-2002, 06:18 PM
Maybe one has no one. After awhile you get bitter
and say F it all. I don;t care if I can have fun for
one noight or a couple of months it is worth it. I am
so F'n ired of women jerking around. Now you have
heard someone who is bitter. See ya it is Friday
noght I am going out for Pizza then going to a bar
by myself not get that much to drink talk to no one
and then get home even more depressed!!

David the Franchize
Everyone Loves CYYYFYYY
Please don't call me a nice guy

Hawiian shirt craig
07-19-2002, 06:21 PM
i'm not looking for the one, but i hope i find her, is
what i'm sayign. the idea is to date around until i
do... but if someone isnt her, why bother wasting
time? i dont get that!

-Hawiian Shirt Craig

<img src="">

07-25-2002, 10:51 AM
Dating someone is the way that you find out whether they are "the one" as HSC talks about. Everyone knows that the person you meet may not be the real person- they may be putting up a front to make themselves more appealing (You like such-and-such, so do I!). Dating is necessary to weed out the incompatibilities that you have with others, until you find one that you are compatible with.

If someone goes in looking for a one-night stand or just to have a date, that is a waste of time. But not all dating is.

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Hawiian shirt craig
07-25-2002, 05:31 PM
christ wilee, that i know. i date people but once i
find out it isn't going to work for whatever reason, i
fire the bitch!!! i mean when i find out a girl loves
N*sync to the point that shes going to follow them
around the country for the next 2 years, i dont think
thats gonna work. u know what i mean? i dont
plan on saying one day "exuse me miss, you're the
one, care to get hitched???" i know i hvae to find
that person by a process and what not

i'm talking about stuff like staying with someone u
KNOW ur not gonna stick with. i dunno!!

-Hawiian Shirt Craig

<img src="">

07-25-2002, 05:44 PM
I'm too old to answer your question. xZejRn/5a85600d516bdde2ff865cc434f4e3e8/clbk=HcZNnT9kkUhb1WJYL6yrxCFnbpNxjrP!5KBCiQOEzSpVh rBT8nsC3usYb1tF7FDP7dhL33Lgd5g$/jpg.jpg

<a href="" target=_new>Katylina's Web Page</a>

07-25-2002, 07:51 PM
I agree with you craig but sometimes you just want to experiece other people at the same time

<IMG SRC="">
thanks czm for the help with sig

07-25-2002, 08:05 PM
i date to hav a good time. If you think about it, u do alot of things pointlessly. Everything u do doesnt have to be straight to the point. Like on a nice day, do u run straight to work, or do u take a nice slow leasure walk there. You hav to enjoy life, and dating can be fun, even if it isnt with the person u will spend the rest of ur life with.

<img src="" height=118 width=211>
~*~Life always comes down to one thing, the PUSSY!~*~

07-25-2002, 08:15 PM
I duno

Right now, I'm crazy about the person I'm with right now. I haven't been this trusting or happy in a very long time, and I love it. And if it meant having to date all the assholes and stuff all over again just to get to him, I think I would do it all over again.



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07-31-2002, 04:41 AM
I always seem to have someone around. . .usually its not the same person, but its somebody. I would like to find someone and stick it out for a while, see how it goes, but everyone these days seems to be taken, gay, not interested in relationships, or ugly. What to do What to do. . . .

07-31-2002, 08:12 AM
You hav to enjoy life, and dating can be fun, even if it isnt with the person u will spend the rest of ur life with.

Exactly. If life is about point A to B, you're not gonna be a happy person. You're gonna look back on your life and realize that there was nothing in the middle but longing to reach ends. That's pretty sad. There needs to be fun, variety, experiences, laughter, so that you can reach that place where settling down isn't scary. People have different views on relationships and life, HSC. Don't be so hostile.

but everyone these days seems to be taken, gay, not interested in relationships, or ugly.

Are you from Jersey?

<IMG SRC="">

"I dig amputee chicks." - Ron


"How would Christ benefit from me putting my tongue in someone's mouth?"

This message was edited by Noellevious on 7-31-02 @ 12:14 PM

07-31-2002, 11:28 PM
it's an interesting question...

to me, when i start dating someone, i guess i have that in mind. if i'm going to be with someone, i think it would be with the idea of something sort of long term (be it marriage or whatever else) in mind

however, i personally see nothing wrong with having some fun in the interim. there can be people that you know you arent going to end up with, but that you enjoy their company be it for conversation, similar interests, sex, or whatever. as long as everyone's clear on what the deal is, it's all good
worshiping the dancing rooster... thanks for the sig

i want a lover i don't have to love
i want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk