View Full Version : ARE there ANY MORE NICE GUYS and chivalry?
06-29-2002, 05:52 PM
Prove me wrong
Hawiian shirt craig
06-29-2002, 06:23 PM
well obviously you have never met me b4... and for
those of you who have.. SHHHHH... LOL. anyway. i
think chivalry lives. this board isn't condusive to it,
though. i belive in a lot of things, and unfortunately
for me, am a hopeless romantic. i belive in flowers,
opening doors and paying. i know a lot of guys say
they do or just plain dont but i really do, and i
learned it from my dad. and if i ever have kids
(pelase god no!!) i'll teach my kids the same thing.
this is also part of the reason most of ym freinds
are girls. oh well. so please try not to be so jaded
-Hawiian Shirt Craig
<img src="">
06-29-2002, 07:07 PM
I've been a nice guy since day
As for chivalry, I've read both the
code of chivalry written by Leon
Gautier(12th century french
knight) and Hagakure
<img src="" width=300 height=100>
<a href="aim:goim?screenname=furie1335&message=You_are_Number_6">IM:Furie1335
06-29-2002, 07:32 PM
No one ever wants to joust anymore
number 333 its the way to be
06-29-2002, 08:02 PM
i don't believe in chivalry. i believe in sincerity. doing something because some code tells you to is meaningless. love should come from the heart, not from a rule book
this sig is the masterpiece of the cheesy one
<i>support your local 420: union of brotherhood
living on the road, my friend, was supposed to keep us free and clean.
now you wear you skin like iron, your breath's as hard as kerosene-- townes van zant "the ballad of poncho and lefty"</i>
<a href=>Transcendental Blues: a journal</a>
ARE there ANY MORE NICE GUYS and chivalry?
<img src= width = 300 height = 100>
Yes, but we have been overlooked and taken advantage of so many times we are better off not showing it.
Although I stood up for 2 girls outside of the WWFNY today just because I can't stand bullys. And they really didn't seem to appreciate it.
<center>Ag made me a HUGE sig so I'll be sigless for a while</center>
<center>Bad Words From Around The World</center> <center>Fuck</center>
Spanish:Follar, tirar
06-29-2002, 09:08 PM
ARE there ANY MORE NICE GUYS and chivalry?
Sure there are...that is, if there are any sane girls who dont play games.
Prove me wrong
Sounds like you dont think there are any. Well, not that I know your sitch, but most people who complain about not finding nice people to have relationships with are themselves responsible for dealing with un-nice people.
<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=100>
<i><b><font color="#0F00CD">"You should've seen her face. It was the exact same look my father gave me when I told him I wanted to be a ventriloquist."</font color="#0F00CD"></b></i>
06-29-2002, 09:42 PM
Yes, but we have been overlooked and taken advantage of so many times we are better off not showing it.
Amen Brother...unfortunately I still show it. It's how I was raised. :(
Stop asking the Fiend how he feels! He never feels good and he hates you ALL!!
no i dont think there is..
C*U*N*T "That's just it. The logic is fucked up here. There is something inherently wrong in this." JTHM
DARK PRINCESS of the coven. slave to the wind. MERRY PART AND BLESSED BE.
<img src= width="300" height="100>
There absolutely are gentlemen who still subscribe to the code of chivalry. I'm one of them, and I'll never change no matter how hard women try to make it.
<img src=>
Captain Rooster
06-29-2002, 10:54 PM
I live by a code of chivalry.
I wish I could become a Paladin Knight!
This message was edited by LTRooster on 6-30-02 @ 2:56 AM
06-29-2002, 11:09 PM
I think I'm a pretty nice dude. <P>
<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon for the sig!
Co-Founder of the OddJob Fan Club
I wish I could become a Paladin Knight!
Paladin knights are cool because you get that whole deal where you can cast a few healing spells. Too bad you have to be lawful good, though.
Everyone rolls a twenty now and then.
<img src= width = 300 height = 100>
RF Godfather
06-30-2002, 08:48 AM
ARE there ANY MORE NICE GUYS and chivalry?*flips hair* All the groovy chicks say I'm a pretty nice guy. ZOINKS!
Thanks CZM for this awesome sig! ZOINKS! YOINK!
sexy bastard
06-30-2002, 08:57 AM
hosp hit it right on the nose
<img src=>
the epitome of masculinity (yeah right)
This message was edited by sexy bastard on 6-30-02 @ 6:33 PM
06-30-2002, 11:08 AM
I second that.
<IMG SRC="">
If you drive home fishy, you could be the Catch of the Day.
06-30-2002, 06:23 PM
there are many many nice guys
i'm usually the one who fucks it up though :(
<center><b>Back, But Not Better Than Ever<br><img src=""></img>
<a href="">How Do You Fit Into The C?</a> </center></b>
06-30-2002, 07:12 PM
Yes, but we have been overlooked and taken advantage of so many times
they really didn't seem to appreciate it.
Sure there are...that is, if there are any sane girls who dont play games.
I'll never change no matter how hard women try to make it.
I agree with all of the above, and I'll add this: NICE GUYS FINISH LAST. Those of you who I've talked to previously about this topic already know my feelings, so I wont rant yet again. In short, however, women constantly complain that they want a nice guy, a sensitive guy. They dont really want one, they just want something to complain about while they look for the next guy who'll abuse them. Hint: with few exceptions, the guy you gave your number to this weekend isnt a nice guy. The NICE guy was the guy at the end of the bar who was too shy to approach you. Ok..I'm done..until next time.
<img src=""> Sigpic by cheezeemee
The NICE guy was the guy at the end of the bar who was too shy to approach you.
That would be me.
We're out there. Usually we're the guys who don't turn heads when we enter a room.
<IMG SRC=""><br> ® Made By Christy ¯
07-02-2002, 05:35 AM
yes there are, it's just sometimes they get over looked by women.....who go on apperence alone and usually end up with a jerk....i don't think that some people relize that true beauty is on the inside...
i'm one of the lucky ones to be dating a nice guy... :)
official member of "the coven"
07-02-2002, 06:23 AM
I think there are, but like the guys have said, women usually take advantage of or don't appreciate these men. They don't want to date em, but they want to marry em. I have met many nice and chivalrous men...including some on this board.
That would be me.
We're out there. Usually we're the guys who don't turn heads when we enter a room.
AJ-You're a sweetheart, any girl that wouldn't want to be with you is missing out. Everyone I have talked to has been a perfect gentleman and a true sweetheart, including Tazz, Earth2Ron, TheGameHHH, Heckler, Sexy Bastard, Erole, Doogie76...I'm sure most of you are and I am one girl that likes nice guys! :)
I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! -Patrick Henry <IMG SRC="">
This picture was taken at Kyle Field (Texas A&M University) on September 22nd in memory of 9-11.
Let every nation know,
whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden, meet any hardship,
support any friend, oppose any foe,
to assure the survival and success of liberty.
-John F. Kennedy
07-02-2002, 08:10 AM
Of course there are, but as has been said above, many women make it hard for guys to be chivalrous most of the time. If you think about the current trends, the term "bitch" seems to be a badge of honor to some women. For what reason? There's no reason for mind games (this goes for both sides) and no reason to make it hard for each other. People should be working to help each other out.
<IMG SRC="">
07-02-2002, 08:36 AM
Problem is that dirtbags may seem to outnumber the guys with manners and chivalry, but that is not sooooo. Just need to find us guys there. There are plenty out there, and I must say from meeting people there are plenty here on this message board...
"I know you want it, I read Mike Tyson's book!!!"-thanks to Aggie for the quote
07-02-2002, 03:21 PM
hey i open dorrs for girls i see a girl with a baby carriage trying to go down any stairs i'm breaking my back trying to help that's chivalrous and i'm nice too it's just ki suffer from hypo hydroxey so girls don't like me :(
<img src=>
the member that no one knows or acknowledges.big thanks to
pootertoot for
the great sig pic
furies forever the warriors were pussies
I like to consider myself a nice guy. Many people have told me that I am the nicest guy they have met. Unfortunately that can come back and bite me. No one wants to date the nice guy for very long. But I never see myself becoming a bad guy, its just not in me.
<img src=>
Thanks J.R.
I Don't Care About Anyone Else But Me - Drowning Pool
07-02-2002, 05:11 PM
this is why:
first of all, there's a difference between being a nice guy, and being chivalric. Of course you should be nice, that goes without saying, and to all of you that do, good.
but that's not my argument . . .
do you even realize what chivalry was? It was a code created in noble eurpopean courts in order to regulate romance; in order to take human feelings and shackle it. They took love, the purest of emotions and put so many rules upon it that it ceased to be anything other than a pointless and endless game. they took the earnestness out of it and stripped it of its passion. Do we really want to go back to that?
Love should not be a game. love should be wild and unbound. Chivalry is a cancer to love, and it should have died out long ago.
this sig is the masterpiece of the cheesy one
<i>support your local 420: union of brotherhood
living on the road, my friend, was supposed to keep us free and clean.
now you wear you skin like iron, your breath's as hard as kerosene-- townes van zant "the ballad of poncho and lefty"</i>
<a href=>Transcendental Blues: a journal</a>
07-02-2002, 06:01 PM
i'm just me.
if i appear to be nice, fine.
if i appear to be chivalrous, fine.
but, i'm just lil' ol' me. i just hope that i make more friends than enemies. i hope that the respect and love i give to people spreads around and returns back to me someday.
i do turn heads. they just turn the other way.
<IMG SRC="">
~It's all about Aggie
~PSS member
~shorten Christy's vacation
~On the Tenatious C crush list
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