View Full Version : The Best Kiss?
05-27-2001, 03:30 PM
Everyone has favorites, but is there one that everyone can agree on that is the best type of kiss? :)
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~~~~"The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them." -Unknown~~~~
05-27-2001, 09:31 PM
SUNNDOGGY8 - Call me a traditionalist, but the best most sensous type of kisses are betweeen two hot chicks as in Cruel Intentions.
05-27-2001, 09:35 PM
I really have to agree with the King here, esp when there's a little spittle, like in CI....
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girl germs
05-28-2001, 09:01 AM
call me a traditionalist, but the best most <b>sensuous</b> type of kiss is when two hot guys are kissing and fondling each other...oh god, that's so hot.
oh wait, that wouldn't make me a traditionalist, would it? because society hates fags. because two men kissing in public is not moral and, "oh my god, better cover your eyes...two guys are kissing over there!"
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"i can smell soap. i can <a href="">add and divide</a>. i can reduce to <a href="">fundamental claims</a>. so it doesn't make sense to talk about chairs."</b></font></p>
This message was edited by girl germs on 5-28-01 @ 1:03 PM
05-28-2001, 11:40 AM
I've seen guys kiss, but it's not my thing. Men don't do anything for me...
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The Blowhard
05-28-2001, 12:23 PM
I like it when a chick spits into my mouth, especially champaigne, strawberries, peanut butter, whatever. Now that's sexy!
"Back off Beaver, you little creep"
05-28-2001, 04:00 PM
Does that include snowballs Heckler?! :)
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~~~~"The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them." -Unknown~~~~
05-28-2001, 04:47 PM
Personally, my favorite type of kissing is when you pull back and punch the chick in the forehead for being such a whore.
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The Blowhard
05-28-2001, 05:30 PM
"Snowballs"? Sunny, how come I have this feeling that you are a huge fan of Judy Garland?;)
"Back off Beaver, you little creep"
05-28-2001, 06:23 PM
Dammit my secret's out! :)
<IMG SRC="" width=300 height=80>
~~~~"The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them." -Unknown~~~~
05-28-2001, 09:11 PM
A peanut butter kiss. Now that's my kind of kiss. ;)
I also love to nibble gently on his lips and suck his tongue. Ok enough about that.
Piddlers and BJQs do it better....There you are you sexy thang...come love me darling.
05-28-2001, 09:26 PM
EFMEBOOBS - Why stop just when it was getting interesting....
05-28-2001, 09:28 PM
GIRLGERMS - If that's what gets you off more power to you.
I don't think it's fair to say that society hates gays. Doing so, lumps all of society into a group engaged in a negative behavior, much like certain members of society (i.e.homophobes) stereotype gays.
Of course, your point is understood, but it's a shame that it was made in such a way as to label all of society "gay haters." Anytime an entire group is labled in a particular way; men, women, gays, straight, catholics, moslems, jews, buddist, it serves to create division.)
girl germs
05-29-2001, 07:23 AM
hordeking, i was actually just being sarcastic in my previous post. did you not get it? i just wonder why when a straight white male sees two women kissing he is simply turned on and aroused. but when that same straight white male sees two men kissing he instantly thinks, "oh, gross."
<i>"I don't think it's fair to say that society hates gays. Doing so, lumps all of society into a group engaged in a negative behavior, much like certain members of society (i.e.homophobes) stereotype gays."</i>
again, i was being sarcastic. i would never actually seriously generalize such a thing. <b>but</b>, i don't think you have a right to say that if i were to generalize that all of society hates homosexuals, that it would be the same as homophobic people stereotyping gays. that can never compare. that is not alike.
<i>" Anytime an entire group is labled in a particular way; men, women, gays, straight, catholics, moslems, jews, buddist, it serves to create division.)"</i>
i'm not the person you should be telling that to. maybe you should go tell that to the two men who killed matthew shepard, or mike rizzo, who thinks gay bashing is "like a sport" him and his friends play for a good time, or maybe you should tell that to the people who created <a href="">this</a> site, or maybe tell it to the southern baptist convention who think homosexuality is a compulsive behavior, or the gay man in detroit who was beaten by two men just because of his sexual orientation, or tell that to the man who harassed my friend just because she had on a shirt that said "i love girls" on it.
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"if you are for capital punishment then <a href="">these</a> are the right greeting cards for you!"</b></font></p>
05-29-2001, 07:26 AM
Take a deep breath Girl Germs and relax. All this thread is about is "Best Kiss"
Back to the topic:
Personally, it is the moment right before the kiss that rocks. Like that split second where your eyes are connected, and your shaking just a little bit, and your wondering what the hell you said or did to get you to this point and your Thanking God that whatever you did worked and you hope not to Fuck it up now.
That is the best, that and getting a blow job.
Reeking of Awesomeness
---Tom Poo
The Blowhard
05-29-2001, 08:12 AM
Put the gays back in the damn closet where they belong!;)
"Back off Beaver, you little creep"
05-29-2001, 08:31 AM
Who said they could join our reindeer games?
Heckler, I'll meet you in the Men- Only Smoking Lounge of our All-White Country Club after a few rounds of golf.
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05-29-2001, 08:48 AM
Poot, I'm gonna have to back out of that game of golf at the club. It conflicts with a He-Man Woman Hater's Club meeting.
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05-29-2001, 09:04 AM
Good luck with that man. Keep the vagina down.
Remember our motto, "If It's Pink, Don't Let It Think".
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05-29-2001, 09:37 AM
I always thought the motto was "Women can't live with them; can't have heterosexual without them"
Reeking of Awesomeness
---Tom Poo
05-29-2001, 05:54 PM
GIRLGIRMS - Of course I got your sarcasm.
From my earlier post - "Of course, your point is understood"
However, I feel that your post crosed the line between liberal feminism and radical feminism. Liberal feminism is a good thing. Something that all people, male or female should support.
Radical feminism in contrast seeks to redress, discrimination against woman by being equally discriminatory against men. Moreover they attempt to use the very same (terrible and wrong) strategies used by men throughout the ages to keep women down as a means of achieving equality.
This is not right.
GIRLGERMS - I'm sure you understand this, but not everyone else does. Much of what I post is geared to all readers not necessarily solely the person who posed the question.
girl germs
05-30-2001, 09:44 AM
first of all, hordeking, i feel as if you are denouncing radical feminism. to me that's like denouncing a whole movement that took place during the late '60s and early '70s. this is simply the truth...if the radical femninist movement would not have emerged, there would be no liberal feminism today. i actually don't agree with the theory behind radical feminism (even though ti-grace atkinson is one of my biggest heroes), but i embrace it because radical feminism is for solidarity and support among women. of course i don't like the separatist mentality among the radical feminists back in the day, but i think having woman-run spaces is necessary.
what i see wrong with liberal feminism is that is speaks only to the white-upper/middle class woman (they are not representative of all the women out there) who are eager to break through the glass ceiling. i don't want no single issue politics. if you want liberal feminism...put on your pumps, your best suit, and join NOW. i'm not saying liberal feminism is a bad thing, but i'm not so hot about the idea of putting myself in the role of the oppressor.
<b>that, to me</b> is not right.
but you know what? my previous posts had nothing to do with feminism. forget feminism. forget al the theories and jargon behind it. forget all that mumbo jumbo. whatever...that doesn't matter right now.
if my post had to do with anything...then that would be insight. it would be me observing the environment that surrounds me. experience
from things that have happened to some of my friends and me at one point or another. if i want to label all of society "gay haters" then i can, because as long as most of society chooses to be ignorant fucks, then i can be just as critical as "most of society."
and to the rest:
<img src="" width="200" height="230">
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"if you are for capital punishment then <a href="">these</a> are the right greeting cards for you!"</b></font></p>
The Blowhard
05-30-2001, 09:52 AM
Germs, I suggest you rent the movie "Queen Of Outer Space" starring Zsa Zsa Gabor. It's the ultimate female flick. Trust me, you will enjoy it!
"Back off Beaver, you little creep"
05-30-2001, 03:02 PM
GIRLGERMS - I enjoyed reading your take on liberal vs. radical feminism. Have you also read the social constructionist, evolutionary psychologists and Marxist viewpoints?
You correctly intuited that I greatly favor the liberal feminist position over the others. In a nutshell, the liberal position is that (aside from penis/vagina and testes/ova) the biological basis for sex differences is very small. Sexual dualism is accounted for by sexism, specifically the segregation of women that has allowed men to have more power. This in turn has led to the adaptation by men of an agentic role with women reduced to that of communal.
The liberal feminists pointedly turn away from the ideas espoused by the evolutionary psychologists and sociobiologists. They opine that what is needed to achieve equality is the patriarchal social attitudes towards women. Most importantly, they advocate the use of education of the general population and empowerment of women through working (for example) as the means of achieving these goals.
Radical feminists by contrast claim there is marked differences b/w the sexes most of which is biologically based. Women are exploited, not because of society but because men are biologically geared to exploit them.
They advocate using the same tactics of oppression against men that men have used against women. They take the wrong of the idea of misogyny and compound it by adding the wrong of misandry. Neither is a good, proper or valid. Two wrongs do not make a right.
Moreover, radical feminists believe that it is impossible to achieve a worthwhile goal such as equal pay for equal work, without severing the emotional ties women have to men. Women should be just as terrible to men as men have been to women. Yes I have problems with that.
Radical feminism by it's very extremism alienates entire segments of the female population that otherwise would be entirely supportive of an end to sexism.
We are living in an age of change GIRLGERMS. Did you know that prior to the Civil War as soon as lactation was finished, men raised the children? Then, with many dead dads, the idea that women were the ideal caretakers of children took over, and is still with us today. (There were other factors, involved in this transformation such as the industrial revolution)
Now there is a more egalitarian division of labor regarding childcare. Although women still bear the brunt of the task, men are pitching in more, re diapering, food preparation and even flextime. This change is despite of the best efforts of radical feminism to screw things up.
Education as always is the best weapon against ignorance.
Regarding your comment that liberal feminism applies only to white upper/middle class women, this is not true of any specific branch of feminism, or of science in general. One of science's dirty little secrets is that the norm is always considered to be white, middle class, college educated MEN. A comment discussing this in a psych book I read the other day stuck in my mind - "Even the rat was male."
Historically, I do not know if liberal feminism was an outgrowth of radical feminism or not. Initially there was most likely only feminism, which was against sexism. The camp eventually split up into the biology feminists and the social feminists.
Finally, the insight you might consider from prior posts and our discussion of them, is that although you might not have considered your comments to be particularly feminists, they sure came across that way to others. Is this the effect you're seeking to achieve?
Take a look at the last comment in your prior post, "if I want to label all of society "gay haters" then I can, because as long as most of society chooses to be ignorant fucks, then I can be just as critical as "most of society.""
It's hypocritical. On the one hand you acknowledge the wrong in society, then say that if they are wrong, I can be wrong in the same fashion.
I enjoy your posts and look forward to reading your reply.
The Blowhard
05-30-2001, 04:04 PM
Yes Germs, you can use my Mike Tyson pic!;)
"Back off Beaver, you little creep"
girl germs
05-31-2001, 12:47 PM
hordeking: pow! wham! bam! you're going down!
like i said before, i don't agree with the theory behind radical feminism nor do i agree with the separatist mentality that existed back in the day (things have changed. why exclude the conceived problem when we can all work together towards gender equality, which benefits both men and women?)
i don't think women's oppression can be biologically determined. i don't think biology can determine gender roles and i don't think gender determines class. if women's oppression stems from a biological standpoint, then that would mean women are born weak. i don't accept that. women are not oppressed just because they are born female.
however, there are radical feminist ideas that i embrace. i think women should unite. women should learn to be independent. i think there should be social change. i think there should be sisterhood...universal sisterhood. to form universal sisterhood women must find a common link to one another and to other exploited and oppressed minority groups. we must fight the enemy, and to me the enemy is not the patriarchal society in which we live goes deeper. to me the enemy is capitalism.
the mainstream women's movement scares me because it is run by women who label themselves liberal feminists. these are women who are trying to get ahead within the system and they are defining their success with money and control. they have no analysis of capitalism or class. they are for reform and not revolution. they create a single-issue movement and to me that is ignoring the many aspects of women's oppression. liberal feminists give into sexism by working within the capitalist system. i'll take radical feminism over liberal feminism any day. but, this doesn't mean i am labeling myself a radical feminist, because i am not. i embrace it...take from it what works for me.
untill now, nowhere on this board have i said, "look at me, i'm a feminist!" i do consider myself a feminist, though. and that is because i love women and i celebrate them and i support them and because i believe in gender equality and i don't hate men and i try and work towards social change and i embrace those women who came before me because if it weren't for them things wouldn't be the same for me right now and because ever since i was in middle school i noticed that calling yourself a feminist was feared or people felt confused but now i embrace the "f word" because now i know there is nothing to fear and i try not to make people confused even though it's hard and because most of my thoughts are based on feminism, and so if my posts came across as feminist i wouldn't have noticed because that is not what i was trying to achieve since that is just who i am.
and about my last comment in my prior post...i never said i could be wrong in the same fashion. if people or society at large are going to be critical of queerness, then i'm going to be critical of society as well. but i'm going to be critical as i also try to peacefully fight against homophobic stereotypes, not as i bash in somebody's head against the pavement or as i try and sell the next big cultural trend just to profit from it.
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"who's got the <a href="">crack</a>?"</b></font></p>
This message was edited by girl germs on 5-31-01 @ 4:58 PM
05-31-2001, 01:04 PM
DAMN!!!!!! HORDE KING Your not going to let her get away with that are you???!!??!?!!?
SHE SAID, "pow! wham! bam! you're going down!" Back in my home town those be fighting words.
(After reading this thread I am exhausted, I am going to take a nap)
Reeking of Awesomeness
---Tom Poo
girl germs
05-31-2001, 01:20 PM
fight! fight! fight!
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"who's got the <a href="">crack</a>?"</b></font></p>
05-31-2001, 10:35 PM
GIRLGERMS - Sorry, to disappoint you, but no fights; Just open and frank exchange of ideas. That's how people can best understand each other. Remember that not all people agree about all things all the times. That's why I'll take this opportunity to remind all who read this that it is OK to agree to disagree.
To begin with GIRLGERMS, I am a feminist. If you want to further label this, you may consider me an amalgam between a liberal feminist and a social constructionist. I also share much of the ideals discussed at length by Sandra BEM. I strongly believe in the need for female empowerment and self-confidence and I advocate equality in all areas straight across the board.
All feminists believe that women are oppressed. The major difference between the 3 major schools of feminism is the method by which they believe this oppression takes place.
Liberal feminists believe that the socialization and cultural indoctrination of men and women and boys and girls, lead to the oppression of women.
Radical feminists believe that biology and differences in power and status cause women to be oppressed. By "biology" they mean both the innately feminine qualities of trust, cooperation and creativity. They view men as biologically and psychologically flawed having traits such as fear, envy and contempt of women. Women are also shaped by their biological ability to produce a kid.
Marxist/socialist feminists believe that our system of capitalistic patriarchy cause women to be oppressed.
Apparently, GIRLGERMS we share the belief that biology does not account for sexual dualism. Since that is THE single most defining point of radical feminism, you cannot consider yourself in this group. Most of the other parts of "radical feminism" which you endorse are common to virtually all feminists, except for the Marxist/socialists, which I'll discuss in a minute.
We differ greatly in that you criticize liberal feminism. You wrote that they "Scare(s)" you. And that, "These are women who are trying to get ahead within the system and they are defining their success with money and control." NO AND YES. They are not simply trying to get ahead within the system. They are attempting to change the entire culture that socializes boys and girls into differentiating between the abilities of men and women as this leads to sexism and discrimination. Until approximately 75 years ago it was accepted knowledge that women lacked the mental capacity to vote. Just a few decades ago it was common knowledge that women lacked the intellectual and emotional capacity to be doctors, lawyers, construction workers or whatever. Now, thanks to the inroads made by the liberal feminists we no longer are socialized to the same extent to believe that there are jobs women cannot or should not do. Having quickly accomplished this goal, overturning millennia of culture, Liberal Feminists now focus on gaining acceptance for equal pay for equal work. It makes sense to measure success in terms of money (power) and control b/c this is the best means to ensure that culture and society develops along with your ideals in mind. It is a fact that people with money have power. Not just economic power, but political power and power within their family as well.
I also disagree most strenuously with the ideas espoused by the Marxist/Socialist feminists, as they are untenable and can be easily disproved. They claim that the capitalist system of patriarchy and the nuclear family are the major factors causing the oppression of women. They maintain that revolution; in the form of changing the family structure, is the only way to reverse the effects of sexual dualism and oppression of women. This is nonsense. We see from the liberal feminists that revolution and the inherent disruption of the family is not needed; just a change of attitude. Moreover, patriarchy is hardly exclusive to capitalism. It has existed in feudal societies, in hunter-gatherer groups, and in early agrarian cultures. Almost all cultures and forms of government have followed the
05-31-2001, 10:42 PM
mayday mayday!!! to much text!!!!!!! araagagagagagaghhhh!!
<img src="" height=125 width=160>
**touched Scott Baios junk**
girl germs
06-10-2001, 08:49 PM
hordeking, we obviously have a difference of opinion and yes, it seems like we are going to have to agree to disagree.
i just want to say a few more things...i see capitalism as fucking people over to get ahead in the game. i don't think competition (which capitalism creates) is healthy. not when someone keeps winning over and over again. not when someone knows the answers to the game before the game has even started.
it's like that program on tv, survivor. the creator of that show is like the capitalism. he has already plotted the game out. he's already set up the system and the contestants have to fuck each other over to survive. and at the end, there is only one who reaps all the rewards and only one survivor. why can't everybody survive?
the reason i dislike liberal feminism so much is that it doesn't have one single critique of the capitalist system in which we live under. yeah sure, power is's good to the few who have it and profit from it. power is also what helps run this society and this society in my opinion is more than fucked. and i don't think reformism (to me reformism is like wearing make-up to cover up the pimple on the tip of your nose. is the pimple still gonna be there, yeah. is it gonna go away just because you covered it up, no. it is still gonna be there on the bottom of all the layers of make-up. reformism just seems to put a happy face on capitalism) is gonna help solve anything. i don't think a change of attitude is gonna help solve anything either. i don't think changing laws or passing laws is enough.
i truly think that (and from what i have seen, it is actually true) there is no way that liberal feminist could have been or can be as progressive if it weren't for radical feminism. this is why i like to kick it (did i just say that?) with my radical feminist friends...because they believe in grassroots activism and organizing and they believe in working collectivley and they believe in sisterhood (they don't just focus on individual needs, as liberal feminists seem to do) and they can identify with other oppressed groups and therefore we work with other oppressed groups thus forming a diverse community of women and men that are working towards equality and human rights.
but whether you identify as a liberal feminist, a socialist feminist, a radical feminist, an anarcha-feminist, a cultural feminist, a pop feminist, an ecofemninist, etc...we all believe in equality and i think we all hate rush limbaugh.
anyway, i wish i could be more specific and blah blah blah, but i'm simply making myself bored. i'm gonna go get a snack.
<body link="#009D00" vlink="#EC7600" alink="#939393">
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"i like it when my hair is <a href="">poofy</a>. i like it when you slip me a <a href="">roofie</a>. i like it when you've got the <a href="">crack</a>."</b></font>
06-11-2001, 08:35 AM
She called the shit "poo"!
<img src="">
06-11-2001, 02:04 PM
GIRLGERMS - HMMMMM. Captitalism and Communism.
Reminds me of the joke about the difference between the two. Under Communism, man exploits man' under Capitalism it's the other way around.
Communism is a failed social experiment doomed to extinction.
Capitalism, on the other hand, though not perfect is the best system yet devised.
Capitalism has seen stunning advances in all fields of scientific endevour; advances which improve conditions of everyday life. Do you care if the motivation for a cancer fighting drug was greed. Should you? Hell no! As long as it keeps you alive.
It's easy to critisize and the radical feminists are very quick to jump on that bandwagon. OFten their criticism is the polar opposite of what they were criticising, but the end result is identical.
Until someone comes up with a better system, capitalism is here to stay.
The objective must be to educate people in ways that avoid sexism and other forms of discrimination.
girl germs
06-11-2001, 06:29 PM
woohooo! capitalism is great! lets totally exploit the lower classes. lets value big corporations more than we value people. human rights for those in foreign contries? come on...we need all their labor. i've got to have my tommy hilfiger jeans. why not turn all of our school into corporations, like, right on. maybe i'd get some free pepsi or coca cola! lets just make the whole world a free market yeah, that would totally rule!
eh? and what is this communism you speak of, hordeking? please please, enlighten us all.
<body link="#009D00" vlink="#EC7600" alink="#939393">
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"<a href="">all i want to do is ride bikes with you</a> and stay up late and watch cartoons. ducktales shirt tales talespin sailormoon g.i joe <a href="">robotech ron jeremy shrew</a>. i wanna watch cartoons with you josy and the pussycats and scooby doo. <a href="">i want you to watch cartoons with me</a> he-man voltron and hong kong fui"</b></font>
06-11-2001, 08:03 PM
We'll just have to agree to disagree. You're entitled to your opinion and it's certainly as valid as mine.
girl germs
06-11-2001, 08:23 PM
hordeking, i don't think anything should stop you from posting another two page post about why you think liberal feminism and capitalism are so great.
seriously, please go on...
<body link="#009D00" vlink="#EC7600" alink="#939393">
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"<a href="">all i want to do is ride bikes with you</a> and stay up late and watch cartoons. ducktales shirt tales talespin sailormoon g.i joe <a href="">robotech ron jeremy shrew</a>. i wanna watch cartoons with you josy and the pussycats and scooby doo. <a href="">i want you to watch cartoons with me</a> he-man voltron and hong kong fui"</b></font>
06-12-2001, 04:23 AM
1.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 6.... 7.... 8.... 9....
Has Girl Germs defeated the Horde King?????? Has Girls Germs' RANTING knoked the wind out of the Horde King????
HAs Girl Germs Won this battle???? But is the War really over????
Reeking of Awesomeness
---Tom Poo
06-12-2001, 01:43 PM
TOMPOO - You missed the idea. The point here is not to dissaude someone from his or her ideology. Most are reluctant to part from their ideology, whatever it may be.
The idea here is to foster an environment encouraging the open and free exchange of ideas.
Given an open mind, you might be surprised to find that you learn more from people you disagree with than from people you agree with.
girl germs
06-12-2001, 03:24 PM
<i>"But is the War really over????"</i>
tom poo, do you want to fight?
<body link="#009D00" vlink="#EC7600" alink="#939393">
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"<a href="">all i want to do is ride bikes with you</a> and stay up late and watch cartoons. ducktales shirt tales talespin sailormoon g.i joe <a href="">robotech ron jeremy shrew</a>. i wanna watch cartoons with you josy and the pussycats and scooby doo. <a href="">i want you to watch cartoons with me</a> he-man voltron and hong kong fui"</b></font>
06-13-2001, 04:21 AM
Horde King... I was joking.
Girl Germs... No
All I know about this topic is what I have read from the two of you, and I know when to keep my mouth shut. Girl Germs there will be plenty of things to debate about in the future (I don't want to say fight, cause that implies I am looking for one and I don't like you, neither of which is true.)
And I don't care what the Horde King says, I think you one this round.
Reeking of Awesomeness
---Tom Poo
girl germs
06-13-2001, 08:06 AM
nah, i'm just a namby-pamby goof and the hordeking stopped because i was taking this too personally. that's all.
but seriously tompoo, WE COULD MUD WRESTLE!!!
<p align="center"><font color="#DF0000" size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"when the lining in your uterus starts to <a href="">shed</a>, you will begin to <a href="">bleed</a>."</b></font>
06-13-2001, 09:40 AM
You name the time and place... I am there
Reeking of Awesomeness
---Tom Poo
06-13-2001, 04:09 PM
GIRLGERMS - Far from being a "namby-pamby goof," you are an intelligent woman, passionate about her beliefs. It's always a pleasure talking to you.
The Blowhard
06-13-2001, 07:20 PM
HK, I can sum this up: Feminists exist because they have a biological disorder,
they hate their daddies, or they are ugly.
Real women know their role.
girl germs
06-13-2001, 11:34 PM
<i>"You name the time and place... I am there"</i>
tompoo, meet me after school...behind the bleachers.
i'll be in a bubble though...cuz boys have cooties!!!
and hordeking, thank you for your kind words...they are appreciated.
<i>"Feminists exist because they have a biological disorder, they hate their daddies, or they are ugly.
Real women know their role.</i>
i always wear an ape suit to cover up my face...well, to cover up everything.
<p align="center"><font size="0" face="tahoma"><b>"use your blood to paint. <a href="">keep painting until you faint.</a> keep painting until you die"</b></font>
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