View Full Version : Bi females out number Straight females!!!!
06-19-2002, 12:45 PM
Why are more and more women looking for female lovers now a days? I've been thinking about this for awhile now.Don't they still like big dic*! Fellas we need to fix this problem before we end up fukking each other and jacking off for the rest of out lives.
Sunshine i wanna lap dance on my tongue
<IMG SRC="">
"I am willing to do anything to
calm the storm that is with-in your heart"
"If you dont intend on letting me eat your
puss* dont put it in my face"
This message was edited by Earth2RON on 6-19-02 @ 4:48 PM
06-19-2002, 12:53 PM
I think girls are more inclined to be with another woman. Girls are beautiful, there is nothing quite like two girls kissing. It is like a perfect mix of colors in a men together on the other hand is just wrong. It is like combining two garbage heaps together. Just plain ugly...
"I know you want it, I read Mike Tyson's book!!!"-thanks to Aggie for the quote
Bisexuality among females seems to be the fad of the day, much like tattoos and piercings.
20 years from now, they'll be laughed at like feathered back hair and pet rocks.
People are silly.
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06-19-2002, 01:26 PM
20 years from now, they'll be laughed at like feathered back hair and pet rocks.
that is so true....whats feathered back hair?
Sunshine i wanna lap dance on my tongue
<IMG SRC="">
"I am willing to do anything to
calm the storm that is with-in your heart"
"If you dont intend on letting me eat your
puss* dont put it in my face"
06-19-2002, 02:04 PM
Come on i'm 13 and i know what that is and ....wait a sec.... i know it that damn five headed,man eating,dog is following me again .......Mr. Bison get the shotgun
I'm super thanks for asking ......
whats feathered back hair?
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06-19-2002, 03:35 PM
thanx alot Gvac.i know that hair style as the Farrah Fawcett.i didnt know that it had an actual name!
Sunshine i wanna lap dance on my tongue
<IMG SRC="">
"I am willing to do anything to
calm the storm that is with-in your heart"
"If you dont intend on letting me eat your
puss* dont put it in my face"
06-19-2002, 03:38 PM
GVAC - I have to disagree with you on this one.
Bisexuality and homosexuality has been around since (at least) from the dawn of recorded history. I don't recall if it was Plato or Socrates who refered to bisexuals as "bridges b/w the genders." Many cultures have embraced this view.
Gender preference is not a fad, it is a fact and it's wonderful that our repressive culture has relaxed enough to allow its expression without making the participants feel weird.
They are not. It is perfectly normal and healthy as any sexual relationship that is consensual and involves people above the age of consent.
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Hawiian shirt craig
06-19-2002, 04:42 PM
the reason is simple. men are ugly. we are lumpy
and hairy and pale. women are the definations of
sex. if i was a chick i'd be homosexual. besides,
can u imagine having some big meaty thing rammed
into you repeatedly OVER and OVER and OVER...
just hot and wet slamming and grunting passion, to
the point of orgasim... two people in perpetual
motion jsut fucking for the love of flesh.
hehehe now think of your grand mother naked...
-Hawiian Shirt Craig
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i wrote a lil something on this.. bare with me.. its long..
Trials and Tribulations of Being Bi-Sexual in the World Today
How Did You Know?
Iƒ??ve known for the longest time that I was bi. Before I even knew what it meant. There was a time where I would get all giddy thinking about a girl, the same way I would think about a boy. The first time I really comprehended the nature of this ƒ??giddynessƒ?_ was when my friend Nicole slept over in 7th grade.
Nicole was one of those girls a bit ahead of her time. She was dating my next-door neighbor, Dave, so often stayed over my house. I, myself had fooled around with Dave on occasion, it was something we did when we were bored, the same way other kids would play video games. When Nicole came over it was a treat for me. She was the most popular girl I had ever be-friended. I knew for the most part I was being used, but I didnƒ??t mind. Dave and her would paw over each other while I sat and watched. Sometimes when Nicole touched him or went down on him, he would stare at me, knowing I was enjoying myself. I believe the both of them reveled in corrupting me since I was still a choirgirl and alter server at my local parish.
The night everything clicked with me, was like every other night Nicole slept over. After leaving Daveƒ??s, we ate dinner then retired to my room. Music played and I was writing as Nicole was trying on my clothes. In one of my sundresses Nicole walked over to where I was sitting on my day bed and she touched the round sphere bedpost. ƒ??You know these can be used for goodƒ?_ she commented. Oblivious to the outside world I kind of just grunted in response and kept on writing. She stood next to the post and lifted the dress a bit.
At this point Iƒ??m still no paying full attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw it. Her perfect mound, obviously only half through puberty at the time, rubbing against my bedpost. This only lasted about 30 seconds when she giggled and went back to change into something else. That was the moment I knew.
Through the years Iƒ??ve dated many women. Most of them fitting a certain mold. Short, dyed hair; chubby; wearing combat boots. We all have our tastes. At this point though I almost want to throw any preferences out of the window. Mostly because itƒ??s tough enough to find a girl who is ƒ??actuallyƒ?_ bi, never mind one who is you type. Thatƒ??s right, you heard correct. There are so many thousands of females out there who are doing it because itƒ??s ƒ??coolƒ?_. Being bi-sexual is like getting a tattoo, just less permanent.
It also seems any girl with no self worth will do just about anything she thinks will get a guy hard, or at least keep him interested. Those girls are the ones who give the rest of us a bad name. I donƒ??t completely blame the women though. It men didnƒ??t put such a strain on the word threesome; this wouldnƒ??t be such a big problem. All of this makes dating nearly impossible.
Why Not Gay?
I have thought about this more times that I can count, in my life. Sometimes I think it would just be easier, and a lot less confusing. Never mind, not having to deal with men would be a perk. Yet, there is something about a man that I crave. With men I like the power, the strength, theƒ?Ý. Testosterone. There is something about it that I just canƒ??t ignore.
How I see it is, I can get that power from a woman but that woman nine times out of ten, she has a short hair cut, a mustache and works for the fire department. In that case, I might as well be with a man.
When I am asked, and yes I am asked this quite frequently, which I prefer. The answer is both. There is something about both gender that is endearing, and I shouldnƒ??t have to choose. With a man itƒ??s the power, control and security. With a woman its about nurturing, growing and spirit. To chose with I prefer would be limiting myself from the very things that make me bi-sexual, and what make being bi-sexual so great.
im not sure if this piece is done yet.. but it needs a lil work.. its my feelings anyway..
06-19-2002, 06:16 PM
I agree with inky
alot of girls PRETEND to be bisexual because it turns
guys on to see two females going at it.
Experiemntation is cool but when a girl pecks
another on the cheek and announces shes
bisexual, that pisses me off (and im already pissed
off from that other thread I just replied to so DONT
im tired of females who pretend to be bisexual, but
have never even thought of dating another female.
If your a ho, just say your a ho- nothing wrong with
my sigpic is under construction
...the words she writes will change the world...
-The Descendents-
06-19-2002, 06:47 PM
thank for the image gonna have to read it over though i was speed reading:)
Sunshine i wanna lap dance on my tongue
<IMG SRC="">
"I am willing to do anything to
calm the storm that is with-in your heart"
"If you dont intend on letting me eat your
puss* dont put it in my face"
Horde King...I'll never dispute that homosexuals and bisexuals have existed since the dawn of time, but even you must admit that an inordinate amount of women seem to be "bi" these days.
I think Supervixen is onto something when she says many just pretend to be so, either to attempt to turn guys on, or maybe just to get on the radio. :)
<img src=>
I think Supervixen is onto something when she says many just pretend to be so, either to attempt to turn guys on, or maybe just to get on the radio.
It got MY attention. :)
<IMG SRC=""><br> ® Made By Christy ¯
06-19-2002, 08:38 PM
In the words of Banky Edwards,
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Thanks Fallon for the sig!
Co-Founder of the OddJob Fan Club
Alice S. Fuzzybutt
06-19-2002, 08:54 PM
Yeah, no kidding! I prefer cock to poon. Poon= too much effort.
How do you guys deal with it???
<IMG SRC="">
What you feel is what you are
And what you are is beautiful
This message was edited by Alice S. Fuzzybutt on 6-20-02 @ 12:57 AM
06-19-2002, 09:15 PM
wow alice, that was a straight up turn on. we should talk. : )
bi girls are just plain cool.
spark it up, what are you waiting for? kohigh
06-20-2002, 05:05 AM
the way i see things, there is a spectrum where sexuality is concerned. there are some people who are at the extremes of the spectrum, either completely heterosexual or homosexual and would never consider anything else and are repulsed by the idea of their being involved in anything else. i think most people are somewhere else, spread out along the spectrum. take me, for example. i know that i am much more interested in and attracted to men than i am women. however, i have encountered a small number of women that i have found myself really attracted to. so am i bi? does it really matter? i mean, if i want to be with someone, i will be, regardless of their gender... and for me, that's almost always a guy. given my theory, i think that the fact that bisexuality seems more acceptable and in fasion these days just makes it easier for girls to go for other girls if/when they find themselves attracted. and i'd say that's a good thing
as far as girls who do things with other girls just to get attention from men (and there are a lot of these), i think that's just a kind of sad. doing anything solely for the purpose of gaining attention from anyone is sad. but i guess so long as everyone's on the level and know that that's what it is, it's all harmless fun
but i wouldnt worry too much guys.. there are still plenty of girls around who want a man
worshiping the dancing rooster... thanks for the sig
i want a lover i don't have to love
i want a boy who's so drunk he doesn't talk
thank for the image gonna have to read it over though i was speed reading
you know, i knew that part was too graphic.. kind of defeats the point of the piece.. ill edit it when i have time..
oh and i appologize for the choppyness.. i forgot thats what happens when you paste from Word....
C*U*N*T "That's just it. The logic is fucked up here. There is something inherently wrong in this." JTHM
DARK PRINCESS of the coven. slave to the wind. MERRY PART AND BLESSED BE.
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Hawiian shirt craig
06-20-2002, 05:22 PM
christ inky, u had to show me up. i make a quick
attempt at liquid sex and you have to crush my
hopes and dreams. read my sig....
-Hawiian Shirt Craig
<img src="">
06-20-2002, 05:29 PM
You either like pussy or you don't. I don't. I've always said I tolerate my own because it's mine.
I like to stick and get stuck with what I know and like-- which would be cock. that cut on the roof of your mouth that would go away if you'd stop tonguing it, but you can't.
06-20-2002, 09:36 PM
It's funny. Everytime I talk to friends a year younger or a year older, they talk about being at a party with girls hookin up. It seems like this fad skipped the class of 2003. It's a damn shame.
We live in the present, we dream of the future and we learn eternal truths from the past.
-Chiang Kai-Shek
"Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father."
-Senator John McCain
06-21-2002, 09:46 AM
It seems to me that everytime one turns around today, there seems to be a better chance of seeing/meeting a bisexual; even more of a chance than someone gay or even straight. You know what that says to me? That there are a lot of confused people out there. . . .and i'll be damned if i'm not one of them.
06-21-2002, 12:17 PM
I'm not bi, but girls are cuter and it doesn't seem like such a big deal to experiment with one. :)
And that's another thing...if it's a guy, you're at least fooling around. With a girl, you can always say, "Ahh, I was just experimenting."
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"I dig amputee chicks." - Ron
"Today was a good day, tomorrow should be one too! Let's look forward to it." - Fez
Hawiian shirt craig
06-21-2002, 12:23 PM
hello, yes i need a girl who does couples. blond, to
the american gardens building. i cant stress blond
enough.... your name is christy you are to respond
only to christy..
-Hawiian Shirt Craig
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