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History of R+F [Archive] - Messageboard


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05-27-2002, 05:10 PM
I know it used to be called the Ron and Ron show and thats about all I know
Where did it all start, when, what station and time was it on?

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Ryan the Great
05-27-2002, 06:02 PM
you didnt read the FAQ section did you. tsk tsk.

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I will not die! I will not kill! I will not be your slave! I will not fight your battles! I will not die on your battlefields! I will not fight for your wealth! I am not a fighter! I am a human being!
- Anti-Flag


Ryan the Great

05-27-2002, 06:11 PM
Yes I read it!!!!! but it is rather vague, I was looking for a little more detail.

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05-27-2002, 08:08 PM
mindtank, you have to go back in history to Christopher Columbus. Before Columbus discovered the new world, he came across the reef. no, not the reefer you burnout jackasses, the reef.
The reef was a place of calm and eternal pleasure, kind of like White Castle - but better. Columbus couldn't stay there because he accidently fell out of his boat and had his leg bitten off by this shark he named Mikey O Mera. (it was a green shark) Ponce DeLeon tried to look for it, but he was killed by a native ameican named Don Geronimo. While in Florida... no, not Florida from Good Times! Florida state! Jesus, you guys have to lay off that shit....Ron Bennington found the reefer, I mean reef, and showed it to Fez Whatley. They brought it to NYC because they wanted to get as far away from BoBo as they possibly could. And that is pretty much it, hope it helps.
now pass over that reefer, that looks like some good stuff. no, not Flo from Alice! I said Florida god damnit! <P>

(my signature is my bitch and I won't let her out)

This message was edited by erole on 5-28-02 @ 12:12 AM

05-27-2002, 11:08 PM
I should've paid more attention in that class.

<img src=""> sigpic by cheezeemee

05-28-2002, 05:51 AM
thanks for clearing that up for me erole, now I know everything there is to know about Chistopher Bennington Columbus Watley.

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