02-24-2001, 03:07 PM
Everyone thinks I'm crazy cuz of this, but maybe you guys could help!! Maybe about, hmmm, say 6 or 7 years ago, there was this rap song. I don't even listen to rap really, but its been bugging the hell outta me. The only thing I remember about the song is the line "nigga be my bondage queen". Does anyone have any idea who does the song or the name????
Soy un pendidor.
Everyone thinks I'm crazy cuz of this, but maybe you guys could help!! Maybe about, hmmm, say 6 or 7 years ago, there was this rap song. I don't even listen to rap really, but its been bugging the hell outta me. The only thing I remember about the song is the line "nigga be my bondage queen". Does anyone have any idea who does the song or the name????
Soy un pendidor.