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News for the Bored III: Killer MonkeyMan Loose in India [Archive] - Messageboard


View Full Version : News for the Bored III: Killer MonkeyMan Loose in India

05-16-2001, 10:22 AM
It seems that one of the characters on the popular cartoon "Shirt Tales" has decided to start killing people:

<A HREF="">Sensibly Dressed Monkeyman Kills Pregnant Woman</A>

Note the discrepancy between the police and the eyewitnesses: The police monkeyman is 4'6" and covered in fur, the eyewitness say it's 5'6", wears a sensible business suit and a helmet and has glowing eyes.

I'm not really sure why a killer Monkeyman would wear a helmet, but here's my theory: He's one of those monkeys that they make drive around on tricycles in the circus. The thought of one of them getting fed up with driving in circles and going on a killing spree is hysterical.

"It has three buttons on its chest. One makes it turn into a monkey, the second gives it extra strength, the third makes it invisible.

He gets to be a giant monkey AND he gets a magic suit? Some people have all the luck.

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05-17-2001, 08:05 AM
I break the stories, no one pays attention. I need a radio show.

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Eric M
05-17-2001, 08:12 AM
I've been following this since
Monday. He has steel claws and
is computer controlled.

05-17-2001, 08:17 AM
Sweet lord it's worse than we thought...rumor has it he can speak three languages and controls the weather.

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05-17-2001, 01:11 PM
Picture of the Monkeyman found!

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05-17-2001, 02:51 PM
damm pootertoot,your sunshine got stolen today by two shows.dont worry even though i didnt read it,i know it was posted here first ;) (jokin)

"all i want in this world is freedom and roastbeef"
-crazy lady from h.b.o