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just thought you'd like to know... [Archive] - Messageboard


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04-09-2002, 08:19 PM
Top health reasons to stop
eating meat (THIS HAS NOTHING

An animal-based diet is invariably
high in cholesterol, animal protein
(see #13), and saturated fat,
which combine to raise the level
of cholesterol in the blood--the
warning signal for heart disease
and stroke. Due mainly to the
meat-centered diet of most
Americans, these two diseases
account for nearly 50% of all
deaths in the US

Meat-centered diets are linked to
many types of cancer, most
notably cancer of the colon,
breast, cervix, uterus, ovary,
prostate, and lung.

The National Cancer Research
Institute found that women who
eat meat on a daily basis are
almost 4 times more likely to get
breast cancer than those women
who eat little or no meat.

Ingesting PCBs is considered a
chief cause of reduced sperm
count among American men--70%
of what it was 30 years ago

The common cold, as well as
allergies to dust, cats and pollen,
are more likely to go away when
cow's milk is taken out of the

The human intestine is not
designed to digest meat. While a
natural carnivore's intestine is
relatively short (3 times the
length of its body) and smooth
inside, a human's intestine is
proportionally 4 times longer
than that of a carnivore, deeply
twisted and puckered. Having no
fiber of its own, meat quite
arduously inches itself through
the long convoluted human
digestive tract. Before it gets to
the end it has become putrid and
toxic to the body

A diet without meat can also help
prevent diabetes, relieve the
symptoms of diabetes and can
even end the need for insulin

The USDA does not inspect for
trichinosis in pork. It is widely
known that pork must be
thoroughly cooked before eating.
Still, about 4% of Americans have
trichinella worms in their muscles
which can periodically cause
flu-like symptoms and even

According to William Castelli,
M.D., Director of The Framingham
Heart Study, vegetarians outlive
other people by about six years.

Those who eat flesh are far more
likely to contract cancer than
those following a vegetarian diet.
The risk of contracting breast
cancer is 3.8 times greater for
women who eat meat daily
compared to less than once a
week; 2.8 times greater for
women who eat eggs daily
compared to once a week; and
3.25 greater for women who eat
butter and cheese 2 to 4 times a
week as compared to once a
The risk of fatal ovarian cancer is
three times greater for women
who eat eggs 3 or more times a
week as compared with less than
once a week.
The risk of fatal prostate cancer
is 3.6 times greater for men who
consume meat, cheese, eggs and
milk daily as compared with
sparingly or not at all.

Medical studies prove that a
vegetarian diet is easier to
digest, provides a wider range of
nutrients and imposes fewer
burdens and impurities on the
body. Vegetarians are less
susceptible to all the major
diseases that afflict
contemporary humanity, and thus
live longer, healthier, more
productive lives. They have fewer
physical complaints, less frequent
visits to the doctor, fewer dental
problems and smaller medical
bills. Their immune system is
stronger, their bodies are purer,
more refined and skin more

* Preventing cancer: "Numerous
epidemiological and clinical
studies have shown that
vegetarians are nearly 50% less
likely to die from cancer than
* Preventing heart disease and
lowering blood pressure.
* Preventing and reversing
* Preventing and alleviating
gallstones, kidney stones and
* Preventing and alleviating

Vegetarians have a 20% lower
rate of mortality from all causes
(meaning they live longer & don't
get sick as often).

* Vegetarians are 40% less likey
to get of cancer than
meat-eaters. This is thought to
be because they have a higher
intake of vitamins A,C &

04-09-2002, 08:35 PM
While a natural carnivore's intestine is relatively short (3 times the length of its body) and smooth inside, a human's intestine is proportionally 4 times longer than that of a carnivore, deeply twisted and puckered. Having no fiber of its own, meat quite arduously inches itself through the long convoluted human digestive tract. Before it gets to the end it has become putrid and toxic to the body great, now im starvin <P>

<IMG SRC="">
thanks to wwfallon and inkgrrrl
"Preserverance Against All Opposition,Crushing All Limitations, Pure Strength Through Solitude,Discipline, and Determination"HATEBREED

04-09-2002, 08:41 PM
What is the source on this?


"42nd-delay is the only person who's making sense." - Ron, 3-12-02

<img src = "">
<p><b>Now playing in the Entertainment forum - Murder at the Super Bowl: the Trailer!</b><br>
<a href = "">Click here to see it!</a>

04-09-2002, 08:44 PM
So are you going to become a vegetarian? I'm one! ;-)

<IMG SRC=""><br>CWSOAD for LIFE!!!

04-09-2002, 08:49 PM
If you want the full bibliography
id be more than happy to send it
to you through email but its way
too long to post here. many
different sources and many more
facts, religouse, ethical, and
health related.

im actually much more of a
vegan than a vegetarian since i
also dont eat animal biproducts,
or fish and i dont drink caffiene or
anything directly produced by
man. I lost 30 lbs in this lifestyle.

<img src="">

*Baby Anna*
......continue to shine.....

04-09-2002, 09:23 PM
Top Two Reasons I Eat Meat And Will Continue To Do So As Long As My Cancer-ridden, Shattered Arms Will Allow:

*Meat is yummy.

*Meat makes me happy.

<br><img src="">
I'm back, baby.... I think.

04-09-2002, 09:35 PM
I just try to ride the middle road and do everything in moderation. It seems like the "Rules" to a healthy lifestyle change every few months. I think any healthy diet has to be diverse, balanced, and matched with some sort of exercise. There will never be the one cure all.

Cake or Death? Uh, I'll have the cake please.

04-09-2002, 11:38 PM
Human beings are meant to eat meat. Maybe we weren't thousands of years ago, but there is such a thing as adapted evolution, thats why we have sharpened canines and why vegetarians have to work so hard to get all the protein they need. Not eating meat is not natural.

AJW...All Jobber Wrestling...All jobbers, all the time.

04-09-2002, 11:50 PM
I don't care if eating meat is unnatural, toxic, or putrid to the human body. It tastes damn good going in and to be honest with you I don't plan on living forever anyway.

As long as I'm in good health until the age of 60 I will be a happy man. Everything after 60 is worthless anyway.

Enjoy the time you are here. EAT WHAT YOU WANT AND DIE FAT WITH A BIG SMILE ON YOUR FACE. It's not a crime, in fact, years ago a fat man was considered healthy and a sign of good fortune.

This is vegetarian propaganda to keep us from eating animals. Fuck 'em. Bottom of the food chain? Sucks to be you...

When another being comes along to eat us, its sucks to be us too.

Jeff Shain

<img src="">

Mike from Bklyn
04-10-2002, 05:31 AM
You lost 30lbs. because there was nothing left to eat but grass and leaves.


04-10-2002, 06:58 AM
Why? oh why? does everybody that changes for a "healthier" lifestile feel the need to save us all from our own free will?

Look, you changed your lifestile and feel great, well, more power to you, but why do you have to convert us all??

Screw you and your diet and let me live and die the way I choose, I rather have 40 years lived to the fullest than 80 lived half ass.


As for me, I'll be eating meat, drinking and smoking till I cant do any of them no more. (great! now I'm starvin')

Peace & Much Love...

(...and some sausage)

This message was edited by Orallo on 4-10-02 @ 11:02 AM

04-10-2002, 08:48 AM
Why is it most animal activists care more about animals than they do about people?

<img src="">

04-10-2002, 08:56 AM
Why is it most animal activists care more about animals than they do about people?

because for the most part, people fucking suck.

<IMG SRC="">

04-10-2002, 09:07 AM
Waiter, I'd like the 20oz. prime rib, medium, with a side of sirloin and top round.

<IMG SRC="">

04-10-2002, 09:36 AM
Having lived with vegetarians
and vegans for 2 years I have
some pretty strong feelings
about this, so just remember this
is my opinion. Please just take
what you read with a grain of
salt, huh? I mean for example,
The human intestine is
not designed to digest meat.
While a natural carnivore's
intestine is relatively short (3
times the length of its body) and
smooth inside, a human's
intestine is proportionally 4 times
longer than that of a carnivore,
deeply twisted and puckered.
is simple bullshit.
Humans are omnivores; we have
the enzymes to digest meat, and
our closest relatives are
omnivorous (think chimps and
gorillas who eat meat when they
can get it). PURE carnivores,
which basically implies 'cats'
(even canids - like wolves - are
omnivorous; one simply has to
look at dentition to see this
clearly) may have this short
smooth intestine, but to equate
not being a PURE carnivore with
being NON-ADAPTED to eating
any sort of meat is, well, stupid.

Then consider statements like
this: Vegetarians have a
20% lower rate of mortality from
all causes (meaning they live
longer & don't get sick as often)
Does that mean that the
vegetarian diet is causing the
20% lower mortality? Uhhh, no?
Isn't that one of the very first
things you learn in your science
vegetarians are vegetarians
because they believe it is a
healthier lifestyle, and perhaps
that means they are more likely
to excersise? Make sure that
they are getting the proper
nutrition (in their case from non
meat sources)? Get the idea?

My gut feeling is that a large
majority of the statements
vegetarians make about the
benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle
in fact have very little to do with
the actual consumption or
non-consumption of meat, but
with the overall quality of their

Given that, I figure it's not
tremendously helpful to preach to
a meat eater the benefits of
simply cutting meat out of their
diet; I would imagine that a meat
eater who simply did that would
not be particularly healthy
because there are a whole host
of lifestyle changes that have to
go along with it. It requires an
entire mental shift in your
attitude towards your body and
life; it is PERFECTLY possible to
be perfectly healthy AND eat
meat, just as it is possible to be
sickly and be a vegetarian - I've
known many in my lifetime. My
thought is that there is simply a
much higher percentage of
vegetarians who take better care
of themselves than there are
meat eaters. Does this mean that
it is BECAUSE they are
vegetarians? Quite the contrary,
they want to (and do) take
better care of themselves and
THEREFORE are vegetarians.

Get it?

<img src=>

04-10-2002, 09:56 AM
and just as an aside, I did a quick
search on the web and came up
with this page (forgive me
inability to do proper links
because of the automatic line
breaks my computer puts in):

clearly this is no better than
whatever site sv got her
pro-vegetarianism 'info' from n
terms of actual scientific support
and whatnot, but if you're one of
those people who are inclined to
just believe whatever you read
simply because it seems to be
supported by 'scientific' studies,
well, there's an opposing view for
you to peruse :)

<img src=>

Alice S. Fuzzybutt
04-10-2002, 10:05 AM
Shhhhhhhh... can you hear that? That's the sound of my arteries hardening.

<IMG SRC="">

Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream

04-10-2002, 01:41 PM
I LOVE MEAT!!!!! As long as I live I will never ever stop eating it!


<IMG SRC="">
Thanks Fallon for the sig!

04-10-2002, 01:48 PM
Who wants to live 6 years longer, those are usually the disease infested, body wasting old and frail stage. Give me meat and my painless heart attack when im 65.
I also read this study where people who eat meat were nearly 100% not vegetarians. And this one study that said that people who eat meat are less likely to be tree hugging hippy environmentalist. Lets face it if we werent meant to eat the flesh of other animals then we wouldnt be the king of the species right. Survival of the fittest baby, i put any 5 meat eaters against any 5 veggies in a winner take all death match

Shaolin shadowboxing, and the Wu-Tang sword style
If what you say is true, the Shaolin and the Wu-Tang
could be dangerous
Do you think your Wu-Tang sword can defeat me?

En garde, I'll let you try my Wu-Tang style

04-10-2002, 01:54 PM
i love meat! i'll eat any kind of meat. well done, median, red, raw, juicy, dry, burnt, whatever. i would eat any animal meat. horse, dog, cat, monkey, and if i was starving to death i would go as far as to say i would eat a human.

04-10-2002, 02:13 PM
Carbohydrates are the real killer. Ask anybody with diabetes, and they'll tell you the doctors aren't nearly as concerned about meat consumption as they are carbs.

And I'll continue eating meat even if I find out it's bad for me. I don't believe a single word of any so-called "expert" who says humans aren't designed to eat meat. Pure foolishness.

<img src=>

04-10-2002, 03:40 PM
But bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good.

<img src= width="300" height="100>

04-10-2002, 04:09 PM
, a human's intestine is proportionally 4 times longer than that of a carnivore, deeply twisted and puckered. Having no fiber of its own, meat quite arduously inches itself through the long convoluted human digestive tract. Before it gets to the end it has become putrid and toxic to the body

Now Im starving...thanks

Vegetarians have a 20% lower
rate of mortality from all causes
(meaning they live longer & don't
get sick as often).

How many people were polled about this Ten??
Why would you wanna live longer see everyone you love die around you?

This message was edited by Doogie76 on 4-10-02 @ 8:13 PM

04-10-2002, 05:48 PM
but why do you have to
convert us all??
Screw you and your diet and let
me live

wow- can you NOT be an
asshole? try hard...

and its funny how everyone blew
up on that.
I didnt mention in one single
place that you should all put
down your veal chops and pick
up a salad but that seems to be
the general copinion here. I just
thought Id type up a few facts
that I thought were really
I personally dont eat meat for
alot of reasons but really dont
care what anyone else does as
long as im happy with myself and
how I am and what Im doing- but
they are interesting facts to read
about. So next time before you
go blowing up on how much of a
bitch i am because im putting a
gun to your head and making you
go veg, try reading a lil more and
mouthing off a lil less.

<img src="">

*Baby Anna*
......continue to shine.....

04-10-2002, 06:59 PM
So let me get this straight you post something with so called "facts" about meat which roughly 85% of all americans eat, and dont expect people to respond negatively. Then you give a sanctimonious attitude of you dont care what people do as long as your are happy and healthy. By posting those "facts" you must have had some kind of agenda or else wouldnt have posted it.
And the facts reported are they facts represented from both sides of teh meat vs. veg debate or solely for the veggie side. Because if it is only the vegetable side then it is obviously biased much like test results that say drugs are bad and are sponsered by the gov't. At least give both sides to an arguement or take the grief you get like a man.

Shaolin shadowboxing, and the Wu-Tang sword style
If what you say is true, the Shaolin and the Wu-Tang
could be dangerous
Do you think your Wu-Tang sword can defeat me?

En garde, I'll let you try my Wu-Tang style

04-10-2002, 07:07 PM

sorry hun :)

<IMG SRC="">
Don't cry...Don't raise your eye...
It's only teenage wasteland

04-10-2002, 10:51 PM
wow- can you NOT be an
asshole? try hard...

Tried it once, gave it up...

Look Supervixen, I didn't really direct my coments specifically at you, I was simply making a comment about how much it pisses me off when people try to pass their pseudo-science as dogma and (try to) make the rest of the world admire their "feats" and follow their "wisdom..."

Are you happy with your veggies? good... enjoy them!!! but please try not preach to the rest of the world.

So Please take a chill pill, And remember that when someone actually DOES have a point, there is hardly ever a need for name calling.

WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #173: starving PCP -laden gerbils

WAYS TO SKIN A CAT #137: tweezers

WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #12 Hydrochloric acid.

WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #27 Use an electric belt sander.

WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #4 Cattle prod set on "Ultra High".

WAYS TO SKIN A CAT: #42 Use a weedeater.

This message was edited by Orallo on 4-11-02 @ 2:53 AM

04-11-2002, 05:54 PM
Too cute makes a great statement. While some half ass facts (i'm not attacking you) may seem impressive, the majority of vegetarians that are healthy is due to the heighted awareness of what they put in their mouth. However, it's just the flavor of the month. Lots of vegetarians are undernourished. One, the human body needs 8 amino acids from food sources. Meat is a complete protein, it includes all 8 aminos. Vegetarians, especially vegans, get very little protein in general, leading to a weak, sickly body. I know a number of vegetarians who are anemic, due to their diets. So, while some things are good about vegetarian diets and it does increase awareness, such exclusiveness and narrow diet lead to complications. If you want healthy, look at certain bodybuilders. Obviously large consumers of meats, but if you're a smart bodybuilder, you're getting 20 to 40 grams of fiber a day, healthy fats (omega-3, epa/dha), exercise (duh), and get plenty of rest. It's about balance.

Bronx's Finest, Hip Hop's Greatest.

04-11-2002, 06:42 PM
Filet mignon with bleu cheese or garlic butter on top versus cauliflower broth.. MEAT WINS AGAIN!

<img src= width= "300" height= "100">

04-11-2002, 06:47 PM


I like meat too, but Anna has never give me a problem with it, even when I've eaten it right in front of her!

<img src="" width="300" height="100">
<font size=-2><a href="">Email Me</a> or <a href="aim:goim?screenname=angrymissybaby1&message=ISMELL!!!!!EEEEEEEEE!">IM Me</a> or <a href="">My Pic</a>

04-12-2002, 05:52 AM
The road to happiness is paved with meat, and I'm riding a veal calf down it.

<embed src="" width=300 height=100>
Censored, Because I'm a Responsible Moderator, who fucks children in the ass.

04-12-2002, 05:58 AM
poot, are you eating some foie
gras while you're at it?


04-12-2002, 05:58 AM
poot, are you eating some foie
gras while you're at it?


04-12-2002, 09:00 AM
my favorite meat is the kind that has a creamy filling in it that you have to suck and suck to get to it :)

<IMG SRC="">

04-12-2002, 09:27 AM
do whatever you want, but low protein is a bad way to treat your body - get some whey in your diet, supervixen! <P>

I used to be a fat kid, and man, the name just stuck.

04-12-2002, 09:35 AM
Oh yeah, Supervixen You're Not a Bitch! I think its cool you wanted to share some info.

I used to be a fat kid, and man, the name just stuck.

Alice S. Fuzzybutt
04-12-2002, 09:50 AM
my favorite meat is the kind that has a creamy filling in it that you have to suck and
suck to get to it

By chance, Jen, would that be "tube steak"?

<IMG SRC="">

Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream