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Going To Church... [Archive] - Messageboard


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03-06-2002, 07:37 AM
Does anyone still go to Church?
Our Dad used to take us to Gospel Hall in Hoboken til we were teenagers... It was a block in from Washington St. on the same block as the Blimpie Base...
It's a Protestant Church and they would read and speak of the Bible and we sang alot of songs "How Great Thou Art", "He's Able",
"Blood Of The Lamb"...
I actually kind of miss them days. We had some fun playing in the Church basement and they gave out candy after each sermon...
Went to Holy Rosary and St Anthony's High but never had to do Confirmation or Holy Communion, just had to hang out in class while the others went to Church to practice...
Two of my friends got in big trouble when they were Altar Boys for St Anthony's Church, they drank a bunch of the wine and got caught...
Anybody have some Church stories to tell?

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"Tell Everybody You Know, You Got To Rock And Roll, Soul"

03-06-2002, 07:57 AM
i got to church every sunday

i dont have a fun story to tell only that my pastors son had a big crush on me and tried to ask me out when i was in 8th grade and ive had a crush on the assistant pastor's son since 8th grade

damn scandals

<marquee>If Tears Could Build A Stairway, And Memories a lane, I'd Walk Right Up To Heaven And Bring You Home Again</marquee>

03-06-2002, 08:52 AM
With exceptions to a couple funerals and communion I haven't been to church in about nine years.

I used to be an alter boy but I only did that to get out of (catholic) school early. I use to go before school, only because we got credit for going.

I just find it boring.

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03-06-2002, 08:59 AM
i stopped going to church after i turned 18. i just didn't agree with all of what catholocism believes in and teaches. the only time i go to church is for weddings, funerals or baptisms.

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03-06-2002, 09:52 AM
Also if anyone is following the big ass priest scandle that's going here in Boston, you wouldn't feel like going to church either.

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03-06-2002, 10:22 AM
with holy days and all, i think i probably go to church about 56 times a year maybe? but i also work at a church, and i spend a lot of time at a few others doing various ministry work.

the funny story that comes to mind is that a kid that went to a catholic school near me got caught chugging a bottle of sacramental wine, and when asked why he replied "i was thirsty" so he was expelled and a few months later was on Dawson's Creek hitting on Katie Holmes.
This is the same school that put two teachers in jail for banging their students...these girls were hot though!

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<font color=yellow size=0>you and i can get funky to the rhythm of a choo choo train<br> dancing in the pouring rain </font>

03-06-2002, 10:47 AM
I went to church on and off in the past. I made it a struggle to see cartoons on sunday vs. my mom who wanted to "find god".

Later on she was once brainwashed again, this time with a "Pat Robertson" type pastor. I conviced her that her donations for the "pantry" was going for his "bling bling".

Well I went on a "retreat" or brainwashing session to Albany once. They were soooo into it that they deliberatley hid my walkman and subjected me to crappy "christian rock".

Now I've been o&a and r&f.

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03-06-2002, 02:32 PM
I think you could copy and paste MANdrew's post and place it as mine...

because he is a poser as I mentioned before and he follows me around... he does the same things as me... I am at church all the time.

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03-06-2002, 02:45 PM
I do not go to Church either but my wife is Catholic and takes our two daughters pretty often...
To me Church is just a building, it's whats in your heart that counts...
The word religious or religion actually turns me off...
It's either you believe in God or you don't...
Midnight Mass on Christmas was a nice time when I was a teenager... The whole neighborhood would be there...

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"Tell Everybody You Know, You Got To Rock And Roll, Soul"

03-06-2002, 02:57 PM
My parents took us to church when we were young but ever since then it's something we did on holidays..
Now I have to go every Sunday because I was told I have to be married in a church..and in order to do that you must belong to one...
I am really uncomfortable with this whole
Eating and drinking of the body of Christ..and this confession thing you mean I could do anything I want (within the law) and say a few hailmarys and it will all be better...I don't want my kids raised this way..

03-06-2002, 03:03 PM
I was raised as an Irish-Catholic as opposed to Roman Catholic. I was an altar boy until I graduated high school.

After I cam e out of the service, I spent 4 months in St. Joseph's Seminary to be a Jesuit Priest.

That didn't work so I did the next best thing and became a City worker- go figure!

But I still go to church every Sunday whether I''m working or not! Still love God!

This Is Me Now!!

03-06-2002, 03:08 PM
when I was younger I went to church every single sunday, my parents divorced and I dont think I steped indies a church except for major religios hollidays (easter, XMAS) Oh and funerals, yuch I HATE funerals

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owner of a lonely heart
<marquee>PART OF THE SOLUTION!!!</marquee>

03-06-2002, 03:17 PM
let's see, i can see my church from house.... i used to go all the time thanks to mom and dad... then i became a holiday catholic... and now i am barely that... i don't need the church to believe in god.. in the theory(sp) of the church you can talk to god when ever you need to.. he or she is alway around and listening..
church is just a money making business... largest land owner in the world....


Everyone is Irish on St. Patty's Day......

03-07-2002, 11:49 AM
Most sundays,Presbyterian.JESUS IS WAY COOL..

<img src="">
</HTML> tanx Oz

03-07-2002, 12:53 PM
church, bah! that's all i have to say, BAH! 5 years of catholic school helps you see the already obvious hypocritical bsthat goes on with religion.

Hold a comic like you would hold a woman, show some respect!<IMG SRC="">
Whatever our history, whatever the root of our surnames, we remain a good a decent people, and we do not bow down and we do not give up. The fire of the human spirit cannot be quenched by bomb blasts or body counts. Cannot be intimidated forever into silence or drowned by tears.-Spiderman #36, 9-11 issue

Ants In My Pants
03-07-2002, 07:34 PM
I would go every week, but I usually can't wake up early enough. Jesus rose from the grave on a Sunday, and I can't even drag my lazy ass out of bed. Man do I suck. <P>

03-07-2002, 10:59 PM
Jesus is way cool, and I go to church as much as I can. <P>


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Thanks Fallon for the sig!

03-08-2002, 03:50 AM
I've lived in a few different countries and traveled alot. If I ever met god, I would like to file a class action lawsuit against him. The charge: Crimes against humanity. Exhibit A: Earth.
If he really made this place, then I want his ass in court.
Now I just need a dreamteam of lawyers... we've got plenty of evidence.

(also the product of several Catholic schools)

"They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn.
But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn." - Ralph Chaplin