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Off Topic [Archive] - Page 30 - Messageboard


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  1. What Do You REALLY Want for Christmas???
  2. Locking Threads-Serious Post
  3. For all you mascara wearers..
  4. NJ Tpk: Cars Only or Cars, Trucks, and Buses
  5. Hey Boardmembers! The ideal Holiday gift for you!
  6. Am I?
  7. Fad predictions for 2004
  8. The new Hotmail..........a real pain in the ass
  9. The Magazine Flip Conspiracy
  10. Information That The Terrorists Want(But I Do Too)
  11. Top 5 Chinese Restaurants in New York
  12. "Does anyone have a stamp I could buy?"
  13. wheres the D.C listeners
  14. Do you change to another lane when traffic is backed up???
  15. Anyone ever been to Ireland/Scotland?
  16. Online Colleges
  17. A Question For Moe!
  18. First of the season...
  19. Accidents Happen
  20. Tuong Ot Sriracha appreciation thread
  21. i can't think of a good title.
  22. Billy Staples sighting at STAPLES!!!
  23. Ladies at the urinal.
  24. Which do you like...blonds, redheads, brunettes...
  25. Dead Money Poker
  26. Civil war models...
  27. Tony Hawk
  28. Does anyone have this as their wallpaper?
  29. Santorum--A new word
  30. How Bad Are the Roads Where You Are?
  31. THANK YOU, Mr plastic snow shovel inventor
  32. Adelphia is the WORST
  33. Winter Storm WARNING!!!
  34. outdoor smoking + golf = a better golf swing
  35. Does any person of darkcolored skin...
  36. Did you ever have your wisdom teeth removed?
  37. Preview of the lost O&A shows on tonight on my fee
  38. Just another reason why NY and NJ rock.....
  39. Italian Restaurant Uses A Gun In Their Commercial
  40. A message to all the environmentalists
  41. It's bootie time!!
  42. "Today's active discussions" Appreciation Thread.
  43. paid for my blower today...
  44. Do you like Brussel(s) Sprouts?
  45. Harold and the Purple Crayon Appreciation Thread
  46. I saw the Lovely Mira ( loveliest nurse )!
  47. Anyone know ASL?
  48. What's your favorite pie?
  49. Gray's Papaya OR Papaya King
  50. Why does Maya Rudolph always play a black chick?
  51. new set of days off soon,, Yippee
  52. What did one black cow say to the other black cow?
  53. Locker Room Showering
  54. Dictionary of Obscure Sexual Terms
  55. Nigga vs Nigger: Let's stop this, huh?
  56. Equality for Women
  57. What is Six Sigma?
  58. Is anyone else sick of that skank Paris Hilton?
  59. Let's Talk Pie
  60. Ozzy Osbourne Seriously Hurt . . .
  61. Cell phone suggestions
  62. What is Carte Blanche?
  63. Bennifer Lofleck Sighting!
  64. Who wants to star in my next production?
  65. Free Floss!
  66. ok MAPQUEST be damned forever!!!
  67. Ares?
  68. Free LOTR Tickets...
  69. How the HELL did Mr.Skin get so much fame?!
  70. Should I throw out my High Shcool Yearbooks?
  71. In need of a MP3 player
  72. ipod vs the competition
  73. What Do You Tell Your Chick.....
  74. Wearing sunglasses isin't cool anymore
  75. Meet Andy Serkis (Gollum)
  76. Don't Squeeze My Balls!!!!
  77. The Advertising Slogan Generator
  78. Technology is Wonderful!!
  79. Coral Castle in Florida
  80. I've always lived near...
  81. How to invent something
  82. what do you want for your holiday?
  83. dollar store oddities
  84. AT&T came through for me
  85. A Golden Nugget For Mac Users - Highly Recommended
  86. Eye Treatment for Dark Circles
  87. Are Jews a race or a religion?
  88. Drunk Worms
  89. 100 Years Of Flight
  90. Wasted 100th Post
  91. This is just scary...
  92. Thank you, Amityville Public Middle School!
  93. Best Buy Ad Circulars
  94. Does Race Exist?
  95. Why doesn't KFC have nuggets?
  96. *SHOCKING*Butt Picking Story*SHOCKING*
  97. Fight over flu vaccine?
  98. my sex life is over!
  99. Tony Soprano Read Stories to My Kid
  100. I see a Rooster
  101. Wolfboy Lives!
  102. Eat your food and GET THE FUCK OUT!
  103. I know money is money, but c'mon!
  104. Another Reason To Come To Washington To Visit...
  105. I hate holiday parking!!
  106. Apple Store Takes Japan By STORM!
  107. NJ's DMV revamping = more gooder!
  108. noises or sounds that 'bug ya'?...
  109. And you all think that *I* am a geek?
  110. The Smoking Gun .com
  111. Online Stree Reliever
  112. Deer Runs Through D.C. Subway Station
  113. Should I fight it?
  114. 2003: A year in review
  115. Nothing like a HOT HOT shower......
  116. Need some help with this commercial jingle/slogan
  117. Papa Smurf can I lick your ass?
  118. Grandparents=Money Tease
  119. how do you like your steak
  120. how many tattoos, if any do you have
  121. yea for me
  122. breaking a Cell Phone Contract
  123. The bar has been raised
  124. moron restaurant guy
  125. Colleges...
  126. everyone has a talent
  127. Ghostly image
  128. The Velvet Rope: Discrimination?
  129. Xmas Delivery Advice Needed
  130. Year End Gloat: Dropped a C Note...
  131. The Donuts hate you
  132. They Know Where You Are ALL The Time?
  133. eBay: "My Virginity virgin first time"
  134. I HATE Those NASCAR on FOX Commercials
  135. Phone Sex On Christmas
  136. FONTS
  137. ever make sushi?
  138. Gay Cock anyone?
  139. Winter begins Now? Last week was Fall? WTF?
  140. Too much Xmas music can be bad for you
  141. Earthquake in Cali: 6.5 on the richter scale.
  142. Things that USED to be Illegal while driving
  143. Christmas comes early...
  144. Bank Lines
  145. Lionel on WOR Now. Remember Him?
  146. I just closed on my first house
  147. Fruit Brute vs Yummy Mummy
  148. Do you call 12/23 Christmas Eve Eve?
  149. Who likes hot sauce? And if so, then on what?
  151. Like a Rhinestone Christmas?
  152. Apple to announce Mini iPods
  153. Reindeer attacks reporter
  154. Man kills himself to escape nagging wife
  155. These "floating things" are driving me crazy !!
  156. anyone else working right now beside me??
  157. pulling back the curtain, in the comics
  158. Materialistic "What You Got" Thread
  159. Christmas Dinner
  160. Name Change
  161. Belleau Wood
  162. Anyone not get what they wanted for Christmas
  163. Man shoots himself in the goods for chick
  164. In and Out Burger---overhyped???
  165. Favorite Fast Stop Convienant store
  166. DJEvelEd has problems
  167. Penis Related Poll
  168. Afghan Food
  169. 2 new fans
  170. anyone bought exercise equipment from infomerials
  171. Take the BBC quote quiz
  172. Jackson and the Pigs!!!
  173. A Serious Question
  174. Happy Sounds!
  175. the spider or the fly
  176. Pf‘ffernussˆ Appreciation Thread
  177. ATT wireless sucks
  178. Board MadLib
  179. M&M's in black and white
  180. Acid Flashbacks are real!
  181. Polish Windows 2000
  182. Recommended Video Editing Program?
  183. What is your IZZLE board name?
  184. Any good zit crushing stories?
  185. 2004 year of the it or NOT
  186. Security today in NYC
  187. Drunk Of The Month
  189. Guys? Too much hair?
  190. Death of a well known person is forthcoming
  191. Name Change Contest!!!!
  192. Coolest animal EVER
  193. Inspired By Jack_Doff
  194. TVs in Cars/SUVs
  195. Dressy Underwear?
  196. Have you ever bought a CD or DVD more than once?
  197. The way you act in dreams is the real you
  198. if your life was a movie..
  199. Less than a month....
  200. Parrot Bay Coconut Shrimp Appreciation Thread
  201. Give praise to your local coffeehouse
  203. Can the cosmic circus handle a little competion?
  204. Movie Ticket Prices How much would you pay?
  205. what song describes your relationship
  206. Do you have an idea for a tv show, movie, or play?
  207. Woman says she lost $162M ticket
  208. Pineapple and bacon pizza
  209. the better animal - pig or cow
  210. The Future News Story Post
  211. PETE ROSE
  212. metrosexual
  213. the south jersey - philly connection
  214. pussy whipped
  215. Mars + Mizzle = Asbury Park Press
  216. Mass Extinctions
  217. Shocking
  218. Toaster Breakfast "Pastries"
  219. Who's your hero?
  220. polo ''Mix 102.7 your lifes a radio station"
  221. r&f chili cook off 2004
  222. HGTV Dream Home Giveaway !!!
  223. Top 5 reasons why racism is so very wrong...
  224. e harmony commercial
  225. Virtual Laser Keyboards
  226. Topic Icons
  227. The whistle's got the woo woo!
  228. i learned something about kangaroos....
  229. And the award for the gayest car goes to
  230. The Legend of Zelda
  231. Feeling Lucky?
  232. No more free air
  233. Book of the SubGenius
  234. what gives...
  235. Kitty Milkshake
  236. Kil De Ron un Fez samos en lava rumbasa?
  237. Drying your hands: Hot Air or Paper???
  238. I'm having problems with "RecordNow"
  239. Study links marijuana buzz to 'runner's high'
  240. Monster BUSH!!!!!!
  241. Clean Words That Sound Dirty
  242. Top Three Celebs to jack to
  243. Check out this guy
  244. Talk Show Hosts in Heaven
  245. Which is sadder..
  246. Teen Girl Ruins Circus For Everyone
  247. Worst email scam attempt ever using Citibank....
  248. Anyone use crest whitestrips?
  249. Where's Spalding?
  250. Billy the Kid Case Reopened?????