View Full Version : Health and Fitness
- Fez-ebrity Fit Club
- **official topless_mike weight loss thread**
- Bowflex
- Up and Running.....Literally!
- About This Forum
- Work it Out
- So...Who are the runners here??
- Ideas for excerising in the House
- What Do You Listen to While Exercising?
- Counting Carbs
- Eating right.
- Magazines?
- Post your progress
- What's Your Motivation?
- How did you retire the smokes?
- great site to track eating/exercise habits
- Spinning
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Healthy Receipes
- Walk It Off....Deek!
- I Really Like Punching People In The Face
- NutriSystem
- Cut Out The Beer
- Post Gym Snack
- Free Myolplex Bar or Drink or Slim Fast
- Multi-Vitamins and Fiber and other stuff
- weights are not just for muscle building
- Water is everything
- Fish Oils
- Can you ever be really satisfied?
- Annoying people at the gym
- Calorie counters
- anyone ever have a gallbladder attack?
- Best/Favorite Work Out/Fight Montage
- "Fat Burners"
- Aerobic workout routines
- Probiotic Foods-Brands
- Lifestyle Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes
- The Master Cleanse
- Got Me A Kettlebell
- Bodies Museum
- Fuck. Me.
- weight loss myths and info as well as some resources
- Test your nutrition and weight loss IQ, some links too..
- Post Your Favorite Health & Fitness Related Websites Here
- So Who's Had The Prostate Exam?
- Protein Bars-Protein Snacks
- Food Warnings
- I feel FAT
- Triathlon
- motivation
- My Toof Is About to Shatter
- Fitness Attire: Ban the Bounce!
- Would you stay or would youfind a way out
- Need Some Exercise Advice
- Do you lose less weight in the winter?
- Camping/Hikers
- Multi Grain Pasta
- Are you afraid of organic?
- I'm gassy as hell.
- Two-A-Days
- I think I have carpal tunnel
- Will Kegel Exercises strengthen my penis , upto and including a full on errection?
- All Star Workout on FitnessChannel
- Zip N' Steam Bags
- Hangover Exercise
- Diet chemicles
- One Last Binge
- At what point do you feel 'Middle Aged'?
- vaccination
- Thai Massage
- Focusing, concentration, paying attention.. wait what?
- MBT shoes
- vomit inducing farts (dont read while eating)
- BMI charts
- I Just Showered
- FINALLY: MP3 Players for Swimmers
- Personal Trainers
- training days are here again
- You are what you eat
- Allergies?
- Anybody else get Migraines?
- Dieting/hunger question
- Avoiding Gyms
- LaBoob's Magical Colon-Cleansing Cocktail
- The 'Pre-Summer' FatSmash Group.
- Anyone here into biking?
- meditation
- 1st adventure race
- Debilitating Allergies
- A Blistering Question...
- Studies Show Possible Link Between Disordered Sleep and Obesity
- My hamstring
- Drinking and Dieting
- mike the teesh, how do sleep through an alarm?
- pink eye
- Focus Problems
- the Chef's Diet
- Major Life Change ....
- Bone Marrow Transplants
- Healthy Lunches
- I keep throwing my neck out!
- Puppies Shouldn't Run?
- food sensitivities
- Eating out (aka Food on the go)
- Anyone drink Yerba Mate?
- Creatine
- Super Foods
- How to you get inflamed/enlarged or w/e taste buds?
- Damn new pillows
- What gym do you go to?
- Garmin Forerunner 205
- Tae Bo
- NY Health Insurance
- Fitness Challenges
- Big-Ass Miracle (I made it!) Mile Challenge
- Challenge: Crossfit's Cindy Circuit
- Best Strength Training Routine for Weight loss
- Hundred Pushups Challenge
- Sigg Bottles
- Acidophilus
- I got head
- cut myself
- Alexander technique
- 100 Thing Challenge
- I am hooked on Aloe Vera juice...
- Physical Therapy
- Perfect Pull-Up
- Oh, my achin' ankles!
- My nutrisystem came today!
- Nutritional Supplements
- Trouble Sleeping
- Do you shower at the gym?
- Um, I just split blood
- I took a kickboxing class yesterday. Am I a woman now?
- How do I approach this subject?
- Ankle weights
- Stupid scales
- Granite Countertops. Radioactive?
- How far would you have to Walk?
- Raking Leaves is Healthy..
- Eating before Workout or After?
- Snow Shovelling Builds Muscles..
- I shat in the shower
- Snow or leaves?
- Set point theory?
- gaining weight from overeating during the holidays
- treadmill
- Jersey Shore Marathon Relay 2009
- Big ASS Health?
- Heavy bag or speed bag?
- Exercise and Cupcakes?
- Slap me into shape!
- Looking like an Asshole has never been so exhausting
- Sleeping problems
- When I jog my shins kill me
- Advanced Nutritional Products
- Strange thing happened when I woke up..I COULDNT FEEL MY LEGS
- I joined a gym................
- Oversleeping or disturbed sleep
- Case of the scoots
- Just got a call while ago...
- Running
- Vitamins and Supplements?
- Regular or Menthol
- When you have Pain
- A challenge.
- Genital shaving
- Fuck You Braxton Hicks!
- Folding Bikes
- Michelle Phan's beauty tips
- Richard Simmons raised my termperature
- Doctors Are Ruining the World
- When was the last time you saw a dentist?
- P90x
- Tanning, Secret to Stretch Marks?
- Leg Cramp! AAAHHHHHH!!!
- Can Board Characters Go On Diets?
- Coffee/Caffeine & Allergies
- I Have Large Amounts of Ball Sweat.
- I Can't Feel My Right Index Finger
- Cell phone elbow
- What's your cholesterol level?
- Waterheads
- Can you help me buy a Bike?
- 110.2 lbs in 12 weeks???
- Meck Hurts a Lot
- Posted Calorie Information In Restaurants: Good Or Bad
- Goji Berries
- Get Jacked On The Juice!
- Nike plus & iPod
- Sciatica. I have it. Now what?
- Colonoscopy Prep (timeline)
- I cant stand up on my left leg
- Wingchakingin is fun
- Buckwheat Hull Pillows
- Redheads feel more pain
- Chiropractors
- Drinking your urine
- Vivo Barefoot
- Breathe Deeply
- barefoot running
- being a personal trainer
- Couch to 5K (C25K)
- Bad News For Skinnies!! Good News For Me!
- Yoga
- It's Time To Bury The Handshake
- Best place to get ensure/muscle milk or anything like
- how ironic
- Runners needed
- Heavy Bag training
- Any morning workout people here?
- Anyone try Accupuncture?
- My 2010 diet
- Would you want to Know?
- STDs In America
- Medical Marijuana
- tracking calories, carbs, etc.
- My healthy colon
- Cyctoscopy
- Gold Bond Body Powder
- well this is a kick in the balls, I'm a diabetic
- kettlebell cert.
- Burning Sensation during workout?
- percs
- Day #1- Creating a routine
- Ingrown Toenails
- breathe or else
- Ball busting thread
- Starvation Mode
- Dangerous metals fond in protein powder.
- Doctor, My Eyes Have Seen the Years
- I'm tired of being in pain
- Start my EMT course tomorrow
- I'm taking the leap
- first half marathon tomorrow
- National MS Care Giver Month
- filthy can to mouth? Ewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Loweing Systolic Blood Pressure
- My ear hurts
- My immune system could probably kick your ass
- What is the best Energy drink you use?
- Driving in the dark
- Tea made from panda feces expected to be most expensive brew in the world
- Oh My Fucking God This Woman Coughed Up Her Own Tumor
- My ear has been ringing...
- Fatherhood could alter men's behavior
- Mobility Regimes and Parental Wealth: The USA, Germany, and Sweden in Comparison
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