- Finally a presidential candidate WF can get behind!
- 7 Billion and counting
- The Greek Default Thing
- Help me understand how this works
- 35 Million Americans hate....
- Andy Rooney = DEAD
- Muslims Sue Catholics for being Catholic
- No fur in West Hollywood
- That triple play is going to cost more
- Thanks, vets!
- Insider trading in Congress
- Barney Frank will not seek reelection
- The Pedo Bear menace
- military to arrest and indefinitely detain Americans without trial or charges
- NTSB recommends no talking/texting
- Christopher Hitchens...dead
- Lowes pulls ad from All American Muslim on TLC
- Kim Jong Il...no wait...DEAD!
- Someone crapped their boxers!!!
- 100 Grand for womens bathrooms in firehouses
- The Right Nut Thread
- Arlen Specter comedian
- I underestimated how much my neighbors hate the gays
- Plight Of The Condordia
- Joe Paterno - dead!
- Warrants needed in GPS Tracking
- No eating on Subways/Platforms/Stations
- Florida Man Adopts His Own Girlfriend...
- Racist ad?
- Sisters accused of sex assault
- No more footballs or frisbees on LA Beaches
- It Happens In America Too
- USDA Food Police.
- Andrew Breitbart - DEAD
- Kickstarter.com expects to raise more for the arts in 2012 than the NEA
- GLAAD vs. Kirk Cameron
- McCain's sad legacy continues....
- From the guy who said "Obama is a skinny ghetto crack head" ...
- Look who is the party of recession!
- Look Ma...morons use facebook Too!!!
- Joseph Kony never jacked his cock in the middle of traffic. Who's the REAL monster?
- Is Elvis a Mormon?
- Mother slit 5-year-old's throat to 'release the demons'
- American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) how lobbyist/Corps are writing our laws
- Dick Cheney has a heart transplant
- Jewish Lightning for New Blk Panthers
- Dirty Asian Stores
- Why is the interest rate on subsidized Stafford loans expected to double?
- I don't say this much, but damn I'm proud of the CT state government right now
- 5 arrested for allegedly trying to blow up Ohio bridge
- I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream ... But not for this much
- Elizabeth Warren, Tribeswoman
- Rent Seeking: Modern politics in a nutshell
- Marijuana Law Poll
- Anyone from the Massachusetts area want to help me take down Kimball Farm Ice Cream?
- The non-war on women
- 3rd annual Draw Mohammad Day
- Venus Transit - NOW LIVE!
- Rodney King...DEAD
- Most Dangerous Cities In America Based On Analysis Of FBI Statisitcs
- Official World War III listening thread
- Attempted Child Abduction on Film
- Colorado movie theatre shooting
- Chick Fil A doesnt support the Gay.
- UK Scientists from the Ministry of Defence to help rid Iraq of chemical weapons
- Teddy Bear bombing could lead to war.
- Republican Convention: The Other Side
- Mitt Romney new President
- Shootings at Empire state building
- Neil Armstrong dead at 82
- DNC Convention
- Gay, Woman or Atheist. Which will be elected POTUS
- the phony Chicago teachers' strike
- 2012 POTUS and Congress General election off-season thread
- Why does Mitt Romney Apologize for American Values?
- "I Like the Way the Fur Feels"
- be proud america, you can crush drugs
- Gay Fraternities are Rainbow Gay
- Young Brazilians auction off virginity online to raise funds for charity
- mass shooting 100 day challenge
- NY Federal reserve bomb plot foiled
- Cannibal Cop or Great, now I'm starvin
- Petraeus Resigns!!!
- ~ The Crazy Right Wing ~
- The Oscar Pistorius Trial
- Hugo Chavez...DEAD
- Who's Dying in the Middle East Today?
- The new Pope: Francis
- Televangelist / things Pat Robertson says
- So Has WWIII started yet?
- Explosions in Boston
- explosions in Texas
- RCMP: Alleged terror plot in Canada backed by al Qaeda; 2 arrested
- Sorry Biggie - Mo' Money = Fewer Problems
- Random one-off shooting and I hate guns thread
- Benghazi, IRS, and Wiretaps - Will any of it stick?
- PA Judge sentenced to 28 years for selling children to prisons
- Might makes right
- I don't want to live on this planet anymore...
- Alleged beheading in Woolwich. (Terror attack?)
- The UK Sucks Horrendous Ass
- Sniffer dogs offend Muslims
- There may be hope for us yet!
- Israeli military disciplines female soldiers for racy Facebook pics
- Crossfire returning to CNN
- UK To Ban Online Pornography
- New York woman visited by police after researching pressure cookers online
- i'm glad to see Arkansas be the first in something...
- Should we bailout detroit?
- Seattle city government. Dont say brown bags
- SiriusXM don't like The Turtles
- Australian baseball player, killed by "bored" Okla. teens, police say
- Lou Reed 1942 - 2013
- ~ Pacific Politics ~
- Shots fired at Garden State Plaza
- Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admits to using crack
- The War on Xmas
- Christie and the GWB lane closings.
- Armed robber penis-slaps woman in the face after she refused to hand over cash
- Philip Seymour Hoffman...dead
- Bill to Axe Tax exempt dtatus for NFL
- Can you believe it?
- bitcoin
- David Brenner, DEAD
- Fred Phelps Finally DEAD
- Common Core
- DoD mulls banning tobacco sales & use on bases
- Hmm... I wonder where our next war will be...