- vanity claims a beauty queen
- The continuing circus that is GM
- Need to believe in God to be good?
- Humans Fighting Dogs!
- Gay Marriage Rejected by NY State Senate
- Comcast/NBC deal
- 10 Major Brands That Will Vanish in 2010?
- Sharpton and Jacksons got nothin on Barron
- The 50 Best Protest Signs of 2009
- Tai Shan....DEPORTED!
- Amanda Knox...Guilty!..no wait... NOT Guilty!!!
- Brokaw Involved in fatal accident
- shes a huslter homie
- Luckiest Mailman in History
- Winter Weather Alert Thread
- Who's hot for teacher? Looks like the other teacher.
- What the hell happened in Norway?
- Houston.... We have a gay Mayor
- Columbine, the NJ editon, thwarted.
- Your 2009 Man of the Year is
- WOW gone bad
- Lithium to be added to US drinking water
- Murder on the Upper West Side
- Happy War on Christmas -- 2009!
- Philosphy and government thread
- Man Dies After Choking On A Bag Of Weed!! With help of police taser
- Alan Grayson has gone batshit crazy
- British Fugitive Continues to Update Facebook Page
- George Michael....DEAD!
- HP webcams... RACIST!!!!!
- Pope Knocked Down by Crazy Broad
- Al-Qaida terrorist on Detroit flight attempts to blow up plane
- Christmas Brings Everyone Together
- John F. Kennedy - Naked Woman Lover
- Because that's the worst thing you can call a man.
- The Lighter Side of Politics
- Rush Limbaugh...Hospitalized
- Patrick Stewart.......... KNIGHTED!
- Another San Francisco Quake
- N.J. Senate rejects bill legalizing gay marriage
- Biden's mom dies
- how would you grade the president’s first year?
- Harry Reid said of Obama: "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect"
- hey Underdog - you're gonna be Scott Brown's bitch soon
- First smoking, then transfats, then soda and now
- 7.3 quake hits Haiti
- This is why you shouldn't have sex with animals
- Arab Man Makes Fake Bomb Threat
- Demise of local TV news?
- Supreme Court overturns McCain Feingold and related limits
- Chachi targeted
- savage news
- Furtherman's socalism bet, one year later.
- U.K. raises terror threat level to SEVERE
- Ho gets revenge against Obama advisor - big time
- Fu(k Newsday
- Watergate wannabes
- Toyota - FROZEN
- Let's take a moment to think about the real victims of the econamy
- Broken Windows Theory
- Woman Killed By Fire Hose
- An Inconvient Jihadi
- Obama kicks the GOP House Reps in the balls!
- Is Iran getting ready to attack?
- Girl sells virginity for $45k
- i despise Rahm Emanuel, however...
- Stewart on O'Reilly Factor again
- CIA coverup
- daddy daycare - china style
- Man bit pregnant amputee's stump
- Snowmageddon 2010
- teach your children their heritage or someone else will teach them theirs
- Anthrax contaminated heroin
- I hate CNN
- First Legal Male Prostitute
- Will California bring the entire country down?
- Another NY Governor resigns?
- Murtha. DEAD!!!!!
- Oops They Did It Again.....another massive Toyota recall
- Bill Clinton in hospital
- new 9/11 photos released this week
- killer tits coming to a plane near you
- Red-headed retard Patrick Kennedy drops out of politics
- Feds Push For Tracking Cell Phones
- 'Friends' Torture, Kill Disabled Woman
- Crazy Alabama professor Amy Bishop who killed 3 also killed her brother
- Why is Dick Cheney the mouthpiece of politics?
- Evan Bayh: Retiring!
- guy does hack proposal at ranger game
- elderly dem Senator Lautenberg hospitalized
- More problems for the Grey Lady
- NYS Taxpayers might have to wait
- Libertarians back criminal for Governor.
- Happy 1st Birthday stimulus
- Obama's socialist agenda murders 3 Tesla employees
- Welfare queens , not in the US anymore
- Man burns down house and flies plane into IRS building in Austin
- Compulsory Sterilization: Do we have any other choice?
- WRESTLINGFAN or serpico ?
- Obama sends the Dalai Lama out the back door
- Alexander Haig, Jr. - Not In Control Here Anymore
- Happy Birthday George!
- killer whale strikes again!!!!
- Donny Deutsch. Racist?
- Earthquake in Chile
- Is our president a drunk?
- Up Next - Criminalizing Fez Whatleys
- another two candidates for parent of the year...
- Rangel steps down
- Puerto Rican birth certificates to be voided
- Shooting Self in Foot
- WRESTLINGFAN has to be an illegal immigrant
- The Pope, The Pope, The Pope is on fire!!!!!!!!!
- Take 2 of these and call me in the mourning
- Suck Macaque !
- Jihad Jane
- New worlds richest man
- Chris Christie Walking the Walk
- Demcrats Bought and Sold at twice the rate of Republicans
- Vicious Marxists attempt Eric Cantor assassination
- South Korean ship attacked?
- Truck Drivers: Let's Eliminate Them By 2020
- Finally a law I can support fully.
- Russian Subway Suicide Bombers
- Terrors come in all sizes....
- Father of Dead Marine Ordered to Pay Fred Phelps' Legal Fees
- Burglar puts cats in freezer and oven
- Residents of Mexican Town Flee To US After Cartel Threat
- Yanks beat Pirates....Again
- Old Howard Stern Responsible For 130 Murders
- PROGRESS (???): Saudi Arabia NOT beheading Fortune Tellers (at least yet)
- Earthquake in Southern California
- forget about outer space, LET'S LIVE UNDERWATER
- Wacky congressman says Guam will Capsize
- but you're twelve feet from a nuclear reactor
- US Troops Target Reporters/Children ... Supposedly
- Will wingnuts run for office soon?
- Think your property taxes are too high?
- Justice Stevens retiring
- Polish Prez... DEAD
- JFK New World Order Speech uned. found.
- Sarah Palin/Mitt Romney: The Official End Of America?
- GS Charged with Fraud
- Political Prosoner
- Has Anyone Ever Had Sex in the Stacks?
- Black Tuesday for MLC
- Wall St Reform
- Cryptococcus Gattii Fungus! Run!
- by the time i get to arizona
- Are Italians not "white"?
- David Duke finds a home
- Noah's Ark found!
- Dont mess with .......
- Failed car bombing in times square
- The Gulf Oil Spill
- State jobs 4 days a week, who do I blame?
- Waddle Doodle: The Apology of the Day
- Texas Never Won
- Family Research Council leader does gay "research"
- New Supreme Court Justice, Chaz Bono
- Gordon Brown - Quitter.
- It's a Small World / SPY REPORT***SPY REPORT
- white philly cop fired
- LISA, Al & Big Black Holes
- Is the tea party turning the GOP even more hardline?
- izzy has company
- Vaccine/Autism Fraudster a Doctor No Longer
- Which party doesn't want healthcare for 9/11 responders?
- Sestakgate???
- A Great Milestone: One trillion dollars.
- Israel vs Gazatilla
- Holy Crap, That's A Big Hole
- Al and Tipper Gore to split
- Kids Go Nuts for Sack Tapping
- Barack Obama wants Africans to eat th Poo Poo
- You're kidding, right?
- Helen Thomas is a dried up crone who's hideous - and racist too: she is beyond awful
- Limbaugh Marriage # 4
- But He's Got the Biggest Balls of Them All
- Sen. Jake Knotts Calls Obama and Nikki Haley "Ragheads"
- HIV bombs being used by Taliban
- Woman caught having sex in park, charged with adultery - in New York
- Severe Earthquake Warning For California !!!
- The Abby Sunderland Story, in theaters Christmas 2011.
- Depressing story of the day...
- Minerals in Afghanistan could be worth $1 trillion
- Osama Hunter
- Seattle Cop Punches Jaywalker
- The Boston Benoit
- Truth from Jake "raghead" Knotts
- Why isn't there a General McChrystal insubordination thread yet?
- Official Random Catholic Church Sex Abuse thread
- Supreme Court rules 2nd Amendment rights apply across US
- Red Dawn II
- Randall Cunningham's son dies in hottub accident
- Depressing day at the gym: Workout buddy's son's friend's dad beaten to death in NJ.
- Pelosi Has Gone Insane
- Michael Steele says Afghanistan was Obama's war
- Sickening Memphis shootout in May 2010
- Party's aside
- Did You Know: Portugal's Drug Decriminalization
- Al Qaeda the Magazine
- Does it offend you?
- Is America really that divided?
- The Facepalm to end all facepalms...
- Cut the Defense budget
- Dissatisfying verdict justifies looting rampage in California
- Court Strikes Down FCC's Indecency Policy
- Barefoot Bandit Caught!
- Burqa ban passes French lower house overwhelmingly
- The Fatriot Act: Your BMI is now law
- Kill the Ground Zero Mosque
- Gov. Christie to announce complete overhaul of gaming industry
- The Tornado Thread
- Oliver Stone..... Communist and Nazi lover
- What Makes a Civilization Advanced?
- Bedbug Infestation
- Go Nuclear!
- Gaea: Beaver or Pussy?
- Unable To Be Disturbed (Any Further)
- Weiner ejaculates
- Pipe break that caused Michigan oil spill is found
- Chelsea Clinton's Wedding
- Coronal Mass Ejection Headed for Earth
- You know your city is ghetto when...
- What do you do when you murder 2 (or 3) people in a failed suicide attempt?
- They'll never take our freedom!
- JetBlue! Quitting! AND HOT GAY SEX
- Oops, our bad, Korea.
- Ted Stevens....DEAD
- Miller time ? No its Mecca time
- McMahon Knocks Out Opponents
- Another case of Quitting your Job with Style!
- Blockbuster...DEAD?
- Going beyond your party lines...
- Harvard selling all Israeli holdings
- Tom DeLay says long-running investigation ends with no charges
- Taliban stone Afghan couple to death for adultery
- How would you fare, if there were a revolution?
- The Hindenberg Omen has been seen, complete stock market collapse coming soon.
- Carl Levin tastes Muslim pie
- Iran Nuclear Plant: Countdown to Armageddon?
- Pafko at the Wall; Thompson at the Pearly Gates
- Erykah Badu fined and given probation for music video
- the dingo ate her baby
- Ground Zero Mosque ~ The RF.net Poll
- 578 Million dollar school to open in LA
- Day trader hit with 172MM Tax bill
- A Republican with a secret
- "Beat Whitey Night" in Iowa