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That's Life: The Forum [Archive] - Page 10 - Messageboard


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  1. I'm slowly going deaf
  2. When your brain makes a jackass out of you...
  3. I am sick of looking for jobs
  4. I'm so stressed out my back hurts
  5. I dont know what to do.(bad day)
  6. My 27 Year-Old Friend Has Cancer
  7. Do I Have To Pay My Mother's Bills?
  8. I have a problem with "letting go"
  9. Feelin' blue
  10. A Moral Connundrum What should I do?
  11. Need some advice
  12. Job Advice
  13. Worried about my ex
  14. BiPolar
  15. i hate this forum, but...
  16. clever marriage proposal
  17. Did my first home repair today.
  18. When did you leave the nest?
  19. Needing to vent
  20. Does this make me a hypocrite?
  21. So, a friend stunned me last night
  22. It's finally happened
  23. I had a dog die in my arms today
  24. suicide outcry from an acquaintance
  25. Unwanted interview
  26. my best friend passed away
  27. I had a weird fuckin' date yesterday (long)
  28. I was just told my friend was murdered
  29. I'm starting to hate my job
  30. Our Kids Halloween Pictures Thread.
  31. ING direct
  32. Just had my dog put to sleep
  33. We're Moving To Pennsylvania
  34. So depressed and alone
  35. I lost my job on my birthday...
  36. Why am I the hot guy to fat and ugly chicks?
  37. How to do deal with a Girlfriend going to a far away College.
  38. well, its done and over with
  39. Have to get rid of my dog.....
  40. Creatine/Protein Powders
  41. Empty
  42. I have two journals...
  43. It's hailing where I live
  44. Who Is Your Most Trusted Adviser/Mentor?
  45. Forgiveness
  46. I Have Been To The Mountain Top
  47. My Wife is Pregnant
  48. laid off
  49. Impending Doom
  50. My friend commited suicide
  51. Your Parents
  52. My 2nd annual promise not to ruin Christmas
  53. kids and religion
  54. Wow, really? WTF...
  55. Woolworth memories
  56. Life in '08: How was your year?
  57. So sad
  58. life is good share some good news ya'll
  59. I Got Arrested
  60. Perspective
  61. Skelly's single, have a video
  62. I'm dissapointed
  63. Finally a Homeowner
  64. the LONELY Christmas thread!
  65. The "I have to travel on Christmas" thread
  66. Post your Christmas assholes here.
  67. My Roof is Leaking
  68. My Parents Came Back Early From Christmas With Hurt Feelings.
  69. Someone who needed a break...
  70. The Afterlife
  71. child sexual abuse
  72. Finished my first college math class
  73. Two babies. Am I going to lose my mind?
  74. Most Joyous Moment
  75. Fibromyalgia
  76. The Evil That Men (and Women) Do
  77. Tickets: Do I need a lawyer?
  78. What Is The Biggest Lie Someone Ever Told You?
  79. Trust. What does it mean to you?
  80. The Kinder-Whore Quandry
  81. Where do I begin?
  82. funny stories involving people judging your parenting
  83. What is the BEST way I can support my BF. Her mom has cancer.
  84. Getting a job
  85. "Fixing" A Bad Day aka Reset Button
  86. My girlfriend want to
  87. Beauty
  88. Hey look at me I'm gettin' married!
  89. I gave chocolate to a dog
  90. "I gave up on sleep the other night, Fezzz"
  91. What's your worst homeowner moment?
  92. my dad just said to me...
  93. I hate myself.
  94. I had to leave work b/c of a panic attack
  95. Ever think you lost everything you worked towards?
  96. Trapped InPennsylvania For First Two Weeks!
  97. Brain Normal
  98. I'm old
  99. Keep going you have to keepp going.
  100. family connection
  101. Six degrees of recession.
  102. venting about my dating life
  103. being a parent is friggin tough
  104. My parents are getting their house foreclosed on
  105. Thank you friends without faces.
  106. Long Term Memory
  107. Deteriorating Kitty
  108. The Sundays ...
  109. STD's and relationships
  110. IT'S NOT A TUMAH.. oh shit, yes it is.
  111. An explanation
  112. Lying on Resume
  113. Lets talk about Jobs
  114. Bank of America (another bank rant)
  115. I love my job.
  116. A Cub no more.
  117. You Will Be Dead In 24 Hours
  118. Parenting: kids and TV
  119. Not Talkative
  120. Work Stress
  121. Economic Survivor's Guilt
  122. Physician Assisted Suicide
  123. Detachment...
  124. Happy or Sad?
  125. Public humiliation
  126. Whats better when you're down?
  127. World coming to an end?
  128. Giving Up Meat...
  129. Turn the Page and put something new in your life story.
  130. today just went from bad to worse.
  131. There is still good news out there.
  132. Well this sucks...
  133. If A Friend Asks You To...
  134. No, We Can't All Get Along
  135. I'm an April Fool's Day Uncle.
  136. Addiction
  137. Teh "what are you doing this weekend" thread
  138. A note to Stan.....
  139. Reconnecting with your youth
  140. My Brother got a DUI
  141. Platonic friend/coworker
  142. OK so i may have semi-cheATED
  143. They found a donor!
  144. My best friend's mom passed away last Friday
  145. Your Prejudices
  146. A prayer I wrote
  147. just sperated...
  148. I joined Nutisystem
  149. Work scare tactics
  150. i'm devastated....
  151. Passive Aggressive bullying boss
  152. Mothers day gift idea?
  153. Helping a friend cope with dying sister
  154. My Dad was in a BAD wreck.
  155. What Do You Think You Will Be Most Remembered For?
  156. Dirty Paper Stealer!
  157. My wife had a miscarriage
  158. Is Anything "Off Limits" With Friends?
  159. Death is always fun
  160. Push, Casey, push!!
  161. Definition of a Liar
  162. I may be diabetic
  163. Dyin too young
  164. I want a family member to go to jail.
  165. Dumped again...
  166. Is Hottub An Overbearing Mod?
  167. Remember The Good Times?
  168. This fucking sucks
  169. Baby Blues or the dreaded PPD?
  170. Damn it!!!
  171. No Words
  172. My boss talks shit behind my back
  173. Birth Defects
  174. Ups and downs
  175. The Best Decision I Ever Made Was...
  176. I Feel like a Death Magnet
  177. To shoot thyself or not to shoot thyself
  178. Morning After Pill Sadness Story
  179. Nothing Really Happens For A Reason
  180. Is The Enemy Of Your Friend Your Enemy?
  181. Shy People Suck?
  182. How do you face your own death?
  183. Purpose in Life
  184. death of a loved one
  185. Hardest time of my life so far
  186. Sacrificing your job
  187. Horrible weekend!!!
  188. Well, Looks About Like I'm Fucked
  189. I hate night
  190. Why does everyone want to cheat WITH me?
  191. w00t
  192. We Are All Spoiled Children
  193. What would you have done?
  194. Not Giving A Fuck About My Job Anymore
  195. Self Absorbed Biggirl
  196. Not a single friend
  197. So Sad
  198. Lonely Guys
  199. Two years, fuck
  200. I'm Hurt
  201. "Just Friends"
  202. money woes
  203. Are You Ready To Die?
  204. I want to tell my shrink something... but it'll cost me.
  205. I scared myself in a near fight situation tonight
  206. I could really use my parents right now
  207. Woes of an ACO
  208. respect my privacy!!!
  209. How Long Do You Think You Will Live?
  210. Are You Happy?
  211. There Are Very Few Absolutes In This World
  212. A break up
  213. What am I missing?
  214. Be Thankful To Still Have The Ones That Survived.
  215. If You Could Change One Thing...
  216. ive got some great news!
  217. It's been one hell of a week...
  218. Coworker injured in an accident
  219. I am addicting to Buying
  220. need help with dream interpretation
  221. Suburban life sucks
  222. Cat catching expertise needed
  223. Worst day on your job
  224. My anniversary is today...
  225. The Plight of African Albinos
  226. The cat's gotta go...
  227. I'm Done
  228. 6 years ago today
  229. Do You Believe...
  230. but I deserve respect.......
  231. Are You A "Sellout?"
  232. Badmouthed in different language
  233. I am thinking of getting a Dog
  234. My father "went there".
  235. how do yuo handle "heavy" stuff?
  236. Absorbing Down Friend Abuse
  237. Don't You Know It Too Good To Be True
  238. Whinge, whinge, fucking whinge.
  239. Mercy Killing for Pets
  240. Head Lice
  241. Anger management
  242. Getting married tonight.
  243. The President/CEO of my company calls me by the wrong name
  244. Power of Attonrey
  245. "Your opinion is wrong."
  246. Hair, Bones and Lip stick...
  247. do you let your pets sleep with you?
  248. Work Loyalty Issues/Uncertainty
  249. I'm losing my house
  250. Moral Conundrum, Family secrets, suicide and adoption