- The People Upstairs
- I had to rub an old lady's leg yesterday
- I'm a fan of
- I watch too many court shows
- Your Favorite Pastry?
- The Grand-Ma Poll
- Went for my license today
- I put the sugar back!
- Edged Weapons
- I Drink Things I Shouldn't Be Drinking
- I Just Came Dangerously Close To Shitting My Pants
- I just spent 20 dollars for a porno...
- My Grandma is hipper than me.
- I'm eating a rice cake
- I haven't turned my own TV on in weeks.
- i hate smoking
- i'm not sure i'm liking backboard classes
- How honest R U on a Job app?
- I'm a sucker for TV commercials
- Hot Java at Work
- I see ADF at work everyday.
- I hate roller coasters
- I missed my true calling
- I ran a batch
- The Worst Night of My Life
- When did you last make mixed tape for a sig. other
- I'm a drumstick
- So I went to the FAT Girl club this weekend
- Im an old fart
- I answered an online personal ad...
- Lunch by The Statue of Liberty
- My Run in With Secret Service
- I'm In Love With Michelle Beadle
- Am i going to die?
- 2nd thing I thought I'd never see in my lifetime
- I have a Hairy Back
- 4th of July fireworks
- I dig the Starbucks HANK commercials
- I play banner ad Games. Damn me!
- Ghost Stories
- My car's radiator is killing me.
- I wrote my own Eulogy
- Man, I started dating a cosplayer.
- I'd rather help animals than people
- Help me
- Asian women
- I just drank gravy.
- Pulled A Hammy
- Something Freaky Just Happened.
- I got stung mowing the lawn. Bastards!
- Sewing is gay as hell man.
- I Ordered "Action Jackson" Off eBay
- I HATE having 2 Favorites lists.
- my guy let me measure it
- I don't like pests
- I wore Panty liners
- I Met Simon Birch
- My ass hurts
- I wish I was better at updating websites.
- OK This is Just Gross!
- I suck at driving lately
- We had dogs playing poker in my house
- Computer Bug
- my first an only confession
- I had the urge at work....
- The Taconic Parkway...
- T-shirts: Pocket or no?
- Your Oldest T
- Sympathy Pains and That Weird Feeling
- I have not stroked it in 4 days!!!
- Garner and Affleck
- Fly in the bathroom.....
- "I shall believe"
- I did waaaaay too much drugs this weekend
- You can have ONE... (part I)
- Anyone here play BINGO?
- I have no underwear on...
- I am going to Otakon this weekend..
- You can have only ONE (part II)
- I love cleaning my ears
- I puked on myself at work
- I Got Hit On At Work
- I ruined a funeral today - Pantera style
- I wear a skirt. Who wants to chase it?
- I just washed my hair with rock salt
- I dropped a bomb on my mom
- I eat scrawny people like you for breakfast
- I'm going to hell...
- I hate children!
- Rinsing out your hair.
- You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore
- I love Scrabble
- Someone elses Backspacing technique
- I just downloaded two Shania Twain songs...
- Lovin' these print cartridge refills.
- I love cheese!
- My pits smell PHENOMENAL!!!
- I just threw my dogs shit in a neighbours yard
- Stubbed my toe, BAD.
- I think my sense of humor is broken.
- Need some help with some low down stuff por favor
- Holy shit were those cars fucked up!!!
- I Dialed 911 Tonight.
- I am "That Guy"
- Ya ever pick up a bottle of alchohol....
- 10 years
- i'm so fucking bored
- Cap'n Crunch Mouth!!
- fucking cellphones
- I smoked pot, got drunk, and had sex in a basement
- Your Wost Hangover
- I'm a band whore!
- Have you ever batched with someone else sleeping in the room who wasn't a girlfriend?
- I like Blogs
- My hair smells too fruity.
- I called a celebrity the wrong name
- The Big D
- I hate you bathroom floor
- 3 cheers for balsamic vinegar
- I'm a little upset with Sam Adam's
- Sibling Hatred
- I like the TV show "Surface"
- I love a Hot Bathroom!
- Bitter Waitress.com
- Silent Movies
- Take it from me. Dont jump out of bed to pee
- Is it gay for a man to sit down while peeing?
- Awkward Moments
- Applied for a job at a place I hate
- I hooked up with brothers
- I don't like seeing Black Santas
- i HATE the fucking holidays!!
- I put Ice in my wine
- How do YOU prepare for a Dr's appointment?
- I bought a George Michael CD.
- My grandma totally screwed me over.
- My cat gave me a black eye.
- I didn't defend my country today
- I puked in public
- Hawthorne Heights eat a bowl of dick.
- Stuff you are embarrased to be into
- I am hillbilly rockstar, out of control
- Collar Buttons
- People in costumes by the roadside
- I Broke Her Cookies
- I like to shit A LOT
- Could you marry without love?
- If you went 4 years without getting any...
- The Virginity Poll
- Gillette Fusion
- Death Metal Moe: Helping out Jesus?
- I HATE when I do this.
- Paper Towel Appreciation Thread
- Thread or Blog
- I yelled at a waiter
- Keeping Fit
- Best flash animation ever?
- Working out?
- Need GF advise...preferably from a Girl...
- I confess
- Morning Confession
- Tempted by the Fruit of Another
- My desk smells outstanding.
- I'm morphing into a Sasquatch!
- Shelle 1, Procrastination 0
- I am Intimdated by a Mannequin
- So I wrapped a raccoon in a blanket and duct tape
- I spent the day vomiting
- Vagina Juice
- Lean Cuisine Panini's!
- My wife may have ruined porn for me
- death metal...sexy-o?
- I Did a Bad Bad Thing
- Poop Shy
- What is this forum about?
- My Secret Desire
- I investigated The Big B
- Reasons why I should be banned...
- I love Spoons!
- I went off on my students today
- I believed that Loose Chang-9/11 bullshit...
- I love Ron & Fez, but I can't imagine getting XM..
- The Weirdos That We Meet
- I'd fuck the shit out of Mandisa from AmericanIdol
- disgusting fridge stuff
- The BEST in no-name brand electronics!
- I'm rooting for XM to fail
- I like back dimples!
- Ball sweat
- I Hate These Times
- Do you hang in the Front or the Back?
- How far in public?
- East Side Dave is in my basement...
- I think I'm becoming a work-aholic
- I've been smoking a lot of cigars lately.
- I laughed so hard my lips bled
- Can't Quite Explain It.
- I Like Burt Reynolds Movies.
- I'm a bargain shopper.
- I get really mad at lack of common sense
- Obsess much?
- Weirdest batch session?
- Do you ever talk to yourself?
- Christian Slater in Interview wiith the Vampire
- Come all posters. Join me in my shame.
- I'm gay...welll...my music is...ah shit
- Click it or Ticket
- I miss Link
- Group Fun
- The Unthinkable!!!!
- I really like musicians
- Whoa, please halt wasted contact
- Tru story - girl of my dreams/past and current GF
- I gots me a new car!
- I do not have a driveway!
- I have a confession
- I am confused... Very confused.
- Confessions
- I Threw Away A Fortune
- I peed on my girlfriend.
- Ever Shower with Your Parents?
- I Sometimes Wish I were a Lesbian...
- i stole from a church
- I've never gotten over my first love
- Salt Potatoes?
- That stomach studied in LONDON!
- Pee Shy
- Have I re-Blinked? What have I done??
- What The Hell Was I Thinking?
- I was with a dominatrix today
- I miss xm satalite radio
- I'm Still Shaking!!!!
- The Spanking Girls Thread
- The Girl Across the Street is in a Bikini sunning
- That episode when Seinfeld shaved his chest
- I Just Won $55K In Atlantic City
- I have this bizarre fear.
- My OCD just tripped...
- Why Is it?
- I Think I'm Losing My Hair
- I avoid killing bugs,
- I Hate Hayden Panettiere
- Dealing with the Past
- Irrational Fears ?
- a recruiter just hung up on me