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The Confessional [Archive] - Page 4 - Messageboard


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  1. The People Upstairs
  2. I had to rub an old lady's leg yesterday
  3. I'm a fan of
  4. I watch too many court shows
  5. Your Favorite Pastry?
  7. I DESPISE Birds
  8. The Grand-Ma Poll
  9. Went for my license today
  10. I put the sugar back!
  11. Edged Weapons
  12. I Drink Things I Shouldn't Be Drinking
  13. I Just Came Dangerously Close To Shitting My Pants
  14. I just spent 20 dollars for a porno...
  15. My Grandma is hipper than me.
  16. I'm eating a rice cake
  17. I haven't turned my own TV on in weeks.
  18. i hate smoking
  19. i'm not sure i'm liking backboard classes
  20. How honest R U on a Job app?
  21. I'm a sucker for TV commercials
  22. Hot Java at Work
  23. I see ADF at work everyday.
  24. I hate roller coasters
  25. I missed my true calling
  26. I ran a batch
  27. The Worst Night of My Life
  28. When did you last make mixed tape for a sig. other
  29. I'm a drumstick
  30. So I went to the FAT Girl club this weekend
  31. Im an old fart
  32. I answered an online personal ad...
  33. Lunch by The Statue of Liberty
  34. My Run in With Secret Service
  35. I'm In Love With Michelle Beadle
  36. Am i going to die?
  37. 2nd thing I thought I'd never see in my lifetime
  38. I have a Hairy Back
  39. 4th of July fireworks
  40. I dig the Starbucks HANK commercials
  41. I play banner ad Games. Damn me!
  42. Ghost Stories
  43. My car's radiator is killing me.
  44. I wrote my own Eulogy
  45. Man, I started dating a cosplayer.
  46. I'd rather help animals than people
  47. Help me
  48. Asian women
  49. I just drank gravy.
  50. Pulled A Hammy
  51. Something Freaky Just Happened.
  52. I got stung mowing the lawn. Bastards!
  53. Sewing is gay as hell man.
  54. I Ordered "Action Jackson" Off eBay
  55. I HATE having 2 Favorites lists.
  56. my guy let me measure it
  57. I don't like pests
  58. I wore Panty liners
  59. I Met Simon Birch
  60. My ass hurts
  61. I wish I was better at updating websites.
  62. OK This is Just Gross!
  63. I suck at driving lately
  64. We had dogs playing poker in my house
  65. Computer Bug
  66. my first an only confession
  67. I had the urge at work....
  68. The Taconic Parkway...
  69. T-shirts: Pocket or no?
  70. Your Oldest T
  71. Sympathy Pains and That Weird Feeling
  72. I have not stroked it in 4 days!!!
  73. Garner and Affleck
  74. Fly in the bathroom.....
  75. "I shall believe"
  76. I did waaaaay too much drugs this weekend
  77. You can have ONE... (part I)
  78. Anyone here play BINGO?
  79. I have no underwear on...
  80. I am going to Otakon this weekend..
  81. You can have only ONE (part II)
  82. I love cleaning my ears
  83. I puked on myself at work
  84. I Got Hit On At Work
  85. I ruined a funeral today - Pantera style
  86. I wear a skirt. Who wants to chase it?
  87. I just washed my hair with rock salt
  88. I dropped a bomb on my mom
  89. I eat scrawny people like you for breakfast
  90. I'm going to hell...
  91. I hate children!
  92. Rinsing out your hair.
  93. You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore
  94. I love Scrabble
  95. Someone elses Backspacing technique
  96. I just downloaded two Shania Twain songs...
  97. Lovin' these print cartridge refills.
  98. I love cheese!
  99. My pits smell PHENOMENAL!!!
  100. I just threw my dogs shit in a neighbours yard
  101. Stubbed my toe, BAD.
  102. I think my sense of humor is broken.
  103. Need some help with some low down stuff por favor
  104. Holy shit were those cars fucked up!!!
  105. I Dialed 911 Tonight.
  106. I am "That Guy"
  107. Ya ever pick up a bottle of alchohol....
  108. 10 years
  109. i'm so fucking bored
  110. Cap'n Crunch Mouth!!
  111. fucking cellphones
  112. I smoked pot, got drunk, and had sex in a basement
  113. Your Wost Hangover
  114. I'm a band whore!
  115. Have you ever batched with someone else sleeping in the room who wasn't a girlfriend?
  116. I like Blogs
  117. My hair smells too fruity.
  118. I called a celebrity the wrong name
  119. The Big D
  120. I hate you bathroom floor
  121. 3 cheers for balsamic vinegar
  122. I'm a little upset with Sam Adam's
  123. Sibling Hatred
  124. I like the TV show "Surface"
  125. I love a Hot Bathroom!
  126. Bitter
  127. Silent Movies
  128. Take it from me. Dont jump out of bed to pee
  129. Is it gay for a man to sit down while peeing?
  130. Awkward Moments
  131. Applied for a job at a place I hate
  132. ARGH
  133. I hooked up with brothers
  134. I don't like seeing Black Santas
  135. i HATE the fucking holidays!!
  136. I put Ice in my wine
  137. How do YOU prepare for a Dr's appointment?
  138. I bought a George Michael CD.
  139. My grandma totally screwed me over.
  140. My cat gave me a black eye.
  141. I didn't defend my country today
  142. I puked in public
  143. Hawthorne Heights eat a bowl of dick.
  144. Stuff you are embarrased to be into
  145. I am hillbilly rockstar, out of control
  146. Collar Buttons
  147. People in costumes by the roadside
  148. I Broke Her Cookies
  149. I like to shit A LOT
  150. Could you marry without love?
  151. If you went 4 years without getting any...
  152. The Virginity Poll
  153. Gillette Fusion
  154. Death Metal Moe: Helping out Jesus?
  155. I HATE when I do this.
  156. Paper Towel Appreciation Thread
  157. Thread or Blog
  158. I yelled at a waiter
  159. Keeping Fit
  160. Best flash animation ever?
  161. Working out?
  162. Need GF advise...preferably from a Girl...
  163. I confess
  164. Morning Confession
  165. Tempted by the Fruit of Another
  166. My desk smells outstanding.
  167. I'm morphing into a Sasquatch!
  168. Shelle 1, Procrastination 0
  169. I am Intimdated by a Mannequin
  170. So I wrapped a raccoon in a blanket and duct tape
  171. I spent the day vomiting
  172. Vagina Juice
  173. Lean Cuisine Panini's!
  174. My wife may have ruined porn for me
  175. death
  176. I Did a Bad Bad Thing
  177. Poop Shy
  178. What is this forum about?
  179. My Secret Desire
  180. I investigated The Big B
  181. Reasons why I should be banned...
  182. I love Spoons!
  183. I went off on my students today
  184. I believed that Loose Chang-9/11 bullshit...
  185. I love Ron & Fez, but I can't imagine getting XM..
  186. The Weirdos That We Meet
  187. I'd fuck the shit out of Mandisa from AmericanIdol
  188. disgusting fridge stuff
  189. The BEST in no-name brand electronics!
  190. I'm rooting for XM to fail
  191. I like back dimples!
  192. Ball sweat
  193. I Hate These Times
  194. Do you hang in the Front or the Back?
  195. How far in public?
  196. East Side Dave is in my basement...
  197. I think I'm becoming a work-aholic
  198. I've been smoking a lot of cigars lately.
  199. I laughed so hard my lips bled
  200. Can't Quite Explain It.
  201. I Like Burt Reynolds Movies.
  202. I'm a bargain shopper.
  204. I get really mad at lack of common sense
  205. Obsess much?
  206. Weirdest batch session?
  207. Do you ever talk to yourself?
  208. Christian Slater in Interview wiith the Vampire
  209. Come all posters. Join me in my shame.
  210. I'm music is...ah shit
  211. Click it or Ticket
  212. I miss Link
  213. Group Fun
  214. The Unthinkable!!!!
  215. I really like musicians
  216. Whoa, please halt wasted contact
  217. Tru story - girl of my dreams/past and current GF
  218. I gots me a new car!
  219. I do not have a driveway!
  220. I have a confession
  221. I am confused... Very confused.
  222. Confessions
  224. I Threw Away A Fortune
  225. I peed on my girlfriend.
  226. Ever Shower with Your Parents?
  227. I Sometimes Wish I were a Lesbian...
  228. i stole from a church
  229. I've never gotten over my first love
  230. Salt Potatoes?
  231. That stomach studied in LONDON!
  232. Pee Shy
  233. Have I re-Blinked? What have I done??
  234. What The Hell Was I Thinking?
  235. I was with a dominatrix today
  236. I miss xm satalite radio
  237. I'm Still Shaking!!!!
  238. The Spanking Girls Thread
  239. The Girl Across the Street is in a Bikini sunning
  240. That episode when Seinfeld shaved his chest
  241. I Just Won $55K In Atlantic City
  242. I have this bizarre fear.
  243. My OCD just tripped...
  244. Why Is it?
  245. I Think I'm Losing My Hair
  246. I avoid killing bugs,
  247. I Hate Hayden Panettiere
  248. Dealing with the Past
  249. Irrational Fears ?
  250. a recruiter just hung up on me