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  1. Britney and Madonna Fight Online Piracy
  2. Favorite Woody Allen Movie?
  3. Best Breasts in Hollywood
  4. Favorite Album Cover
  5. GREMLINS, comedy or horror?
  6. Please check this out!!
  7. So will GUNS N ROSES get over this time around?
  8. Trigger Happy TV
  9. Kristy Swanson in Playboy
  10. aqua teen hunger force
  11. survivor
  12. Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse DVD
  13. Starsky and Hutch...reborn!
  14. The New Foos
  15. Who does the media think is hot - but you do not?
  16. Unreleased Nirvana Song
  17. Harry Potter YAYYYYYY
  18. Fave Mini-Series
  19. SNL Tonight: The Best of Will Ferrell
  20. albums to buzz to
  21. who should get the MVP's?
  22. trading Spaces Apreciation thread
  23. Soprano's Episode thread!
  24. Unofficial Comics to Film Thread
  25. hbo commercial after sopranos
  26. shut up when im watching TV
  27. al cy young candidates
  28. Two Towers Trailer #2
  29. Thoughts on Celebrity Boot Camp
  30. Favorite DVD feature
  31. Jeremy Shockey Appreciation Thread
  32. Coolio, King of Reality TV!!
  33. Would Lucas have been better off...
  34. what moment of south park made you laugh the loudest?
  35. Happy Valentine's Day!! Bobby V. FIRED!
  36. If there was a movie about you..who would
  37. Rolling Stones:Forty Licks
  38. " Kids in The Hall " appreciation thread
  39. The End of Aguilera and I couldn't be Prouder
  40. The latest reality show idea
  41. Favorite Commercial of All Time?
  42. Worst Album you ever Purchased?
  43. Birds Of Prey Pilot
  44. Les Miserables
  45. Dawsons Creek Season Premiere
  46. Jimmie's Chicken Shack Appriciation Thread
  47. The Amazing Race 3!!!
  49. ok.. what villian from movies...
  50. Tiny Toons Appercation Thread !
  51. Bruce Paltrow, actress' father, [b] dead[/b]
  52. Vos on BET
  53. I love the Beatles
  54. John Rocker Waived...
  55. Most unnecessary cartoon characters
  56. Pearl Jam/ Eddie Vedder Rip offs
  57. LOTR hooplah? I think I feel left out...
  58. Worst Stand Up Comedian
  59. jim breuer tickets???
  60. Superman 50th Birthday!!!
  61. Run Ronnie Run the mr show movie
  62. Brown Eyed Girl
  63. royal tenenbaums
  64. Favorite Scary Song?
  65. Ya wanna hear the crying
  66. Some interesting facts about "Blazing Saddles"
  67. BUFFY FANS ONLY!!!!!
  68. Anyone else listen to the "Return of The DJ" series?
  69. Shazam is Back!
  70. Red Dragon
  71. F-CK! F-CK F-CK F-CK F-CK FF---CK!!!! (Yankee Topic)
  72. What Are Your Favorite 5 Songs In The World?
  73. A "Nice Movie"
  74. im in love with.....
  75. The History/Biography channels
  76. Curb Your Enthusiasm.
  77. That show on the History Channel... With that guy from Full Metal Jacket
  78. If you could remake 1 movie...
  79. Hot Water Music
  80. will and grace is killin me
  81. what TV show would you like to live?
  82. my new favorite indie movie!
  83. Anyone else get the new Jurassic 5 album today?
  84. Anyone here listen to "Big Country"?
  85. Celine Dion DEPRECITATION thread
  86. The awesomeness of stephen lynch
  87. HOT songs getting ya in da mood
  88. Who should play Superman in the new movie?
  90. your birth moon! MOOOOOOON!
  91. Uncle Kracker's new album is....
  92. Brian Regan @ Caroline's
  93. Godawful overplayed songs
  94. Horrendous imitation bands
  95. Akira to the big screen.
  96. Chris Elliott
  97. Dashboard Confessionals COncert Review
  98. Bonjovi?? Trading in his Vests for Muscle Shirts?
  99. Jason X
  100. Pearl Jam and U2 at Irving Plaza
  101. disco still sucks (no matter what you call it)
  102. I'm in love power pop.
  103. Cheap, Non-Scary, Funny Horror Movies
  105. What the fuck happened to Prince?
  106. fun halloween theme...
  107. movie theatre walk-outs...
  108. Street to Be Renamed for Kevin Smith
  109. This week: WORST SNL EVER!
  110. IGBY GOES DOWN has anyone seen it what do ya think?
  111. Donnie Darko (suprised i cant remeber a thread already abotu it)
  112. Vulgar - the clown, the movie.
  113. The "That 70's Show" debate
  114. 'Chik - Flix'
  115. Anyone else see SuperTroopers?
  116. Bonds is in.....
  117. bowling for columbine
  118. Is your name Peter Parker?
  119. Porn&Chicken
  120. Musical Theatre : Cringe and Just Admit it, Already!
  121. Question about the NJ Nets
  122. It's new CD day! BATCH.
  123. Into Darkness breaking up...
  124. Last Night's "NYPD Blue"
  125. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  126. Ron's Son revealed! Chester Bennington!
  127. Man, PanterA is THE scariest looking band of all time....
  128. Ed is gay
  129. A very very scary movie~~~check it out
  130. Anyone see Playboy Mansion cribs?
  131. Back to the Future Time Circuit Emulator
  132. Substitution but not visa versa
  133. Law & Order predicts Courtney Loves Death
  134. annoying songs
  137. Micheal Moore's New Film
  138. Audioslave!
  139. Chappelle/Breuer/Schimmel show 10/18
  140. x-men 2 pics!!!
  141. Mc Skibadee
  142. Post your sentimental Lyrics here
  143. My Sniper Wish List
  144. Nightcalls on the Playboy channel is the coolest show on tv
  145. the white stripes on snl tonight
  146. Healing Sixes / New Life ?
  147. What is it about Led Zeppelin?
  148. Shakira Unplugged
  149. Knockaround guys
  150. Lamenting the demise of Faith No More
  151. Counting Crows Anyone?
  152. Formula 51
  153. The Ring thread
  154. Boston Public
  155. a great comic you all should check out.
  156. The 'Hey, check this band out!" thread
  157. Nokia Ringing Tones.....
  158. Anyone know the best place to buy used CDs online?
  159. NYPD BLUE
  160. In prison they swab your arm with coitton before they give you a lethal injection...
  161. Felicity on WE
  162. For you "Office Space" fans....
  163. Here's how not to screw up ''Spider-Man 2.''
  164. The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" pilot/special is on RIGHT NOW
  165. south park
  166. Nightcrawler Pic
  167. Don Hertzfeldt's Animations
  168. Kurt Cobain Diaries.
  169. Richard Harris Dies.
  170. Dumbledor no more :( Richard Harris passes away at 72.
  171. It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.
  172. Spy Report! Chiller Theatre!
  173. I got a Fever & the only prescription is more cowbell!
  175. P. Diddy Song Question
  176. Jack Nicholson's best role
  177. Who Sings This??
  178. Good songs ruined by commercials...
  179. Favortie Treehouse Of Horror Episode?
  180. Worst songs ever CD
  181. Gambit(supposedly and hopefully) will be in Xmen 2!
  182. God Damn Bravo!!
  183. O&A producer Rick is advertising his own radio show
  184. Last nights sopranos episode
  185. O'Reily wants to go to a gay bathhouse
  186. Law and Order: What is your Fav?
  187. Songs From Commercials
  188. Favorite scary movies
  189. CD's Revisited
  190. MAD
  191. 24 Episode thread!
  192. Where to listen on the Internet???
  193. The Man Show Boy
  194. Rick Flair Calls Sarah Jessica Parker
  195. tom petty on hip-hop
  196. Jam Master Jay
  197. It's Halloween, and that means it's time for "Thriller".
  198. Barry White Need Kidney
  199. Joey, Marky, Johnny, Dee Dee & Shania Ramone?
  200. Wear Adidas today...
  201. The Green Lantern Parody
  202. christina aguilera's new look
  203. If you could be any band, what band would you be in?
  204. 5 year/250 million dollar contract.
  205. Little Rascles
  206. Burton's Batman vs Rami's Spiderman
  207. Songs that make you laugh your ass off....
  208. I miss the F.U. lines
  209. ESPN page2 Sports GUY column to stop
  210. One of the funniest Halloween Articles ever
  211. Best Anthem Rock Songs
  212. Favorite Star Wars Trilogy Line
  213. What the eff is "Very Bad Things" supposed to be?
  214. Best Male Vocal Singer
  215. Support Comics!
  216. Favorite Batman Villain
  217. Favorite Spider Man Villain
  218. Fav AIC song(can any1 get me everysong they ever came out with?)
  219. Favorite Kevin Smith Movie Line
  220. Paul Newman Appreciation Thread
  221. 8 Mile
  222. jonathan harris...croaks!..oh dear!
  223. The Penis Song
  224. Opera Baby
  226. Favorite Motown Song
  227. to anyone who doubted who the hottest chick on buffy is...
  228. The Simpsons
  229. I need the Godfather soundboard
  230. The Sixth Jokers Card - "The Wraith: Shangri La"
  232. Who will actually pay to see an Adam Sandler cartoon movie? Not MOE.
  233. Your FAVORITE Saturday Night Live cast is?
  234. New "Daredevil" Trailer
  235. M*A*S*H
  236. vocalist that you can not tolerate
  237. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2003
  238. whats your favorite GI joe character
  239. Audioslave's "Cochise"...
  240. Sandler everywhere you look
  241. Sheppard Smith Fox News Blooper!
  242. Olsen Twins Nippage
  243. You'll never guess my current music "phase"
  244. What Religion are you TEST
  245. Best joke
  246. What records/CD's did you buy this week?
  247. Going To See Norton Tonight
  248. Star Wars Attack of the Clones DVD.
  249. Axl Rose - Still A Jackass
  250. whats the most inspirational song you know