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Old School [Archive] - Page 2 - Messageboard


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  1. M*A*S*H?
  2. Video Arcades?
  4. Remembering The First Time You Heard "Ron and Fez"
  5. What Was The First R-Rated Film You Ever Saw?
  6. Ice Cream Trucks
  7. 976 phone NUMBERS
  8. Joe Franklin, King Of NYC TV!
  9. Who Would Win In A Fight: Potsie Weber or Ralph Malph?
  10. Coolest fashion craze / fad
  11. School Days: Band or Chorus?
  12. What was the wirdest thing you put in your moulth or swallowed
  13. whats happening? bootleg doobie bros-
  14. Funniest thing your ever heard JOE POO say
  15. The 7 sins
  16. Gumby!
  17. Do I qualify yet?
  18. Does anyone remember GI Joe?
  20. WPIX-FM: The Greatest Radio Station Of All Time!
  22. Who was your most/least favorite teacher?
  23. Were you ever a bully, or were you ever picked on?
  24. Rememeber old Channel 11 video game ??
  25. View-Masters!
  27. Remember .......... Shogun Warriors ??
  28. Toys R Us Kids
  29. Which Superhero had the best supervillains?
  30. I Hated Ken!
  31. WLIW21 Saturday Late Night
  32. what was the LAST vinyl record u bought-
  33. Honey West!
  34. Hamburger Helper Hand and Other Old Mascots
  35. Monstervision
  36. Teen Idols
  37. Remember When The Mets Won A Championship?
  38. The Twilight Zone(with Rod Serling)
  39. When Nickelodeon was COOL!
  40. Classic Arcade games!
  41. old time radio shows
  42. What clubs were you in or are you in
  43. Favorite OLD Punk Song?
  44. Favorite OLD Metal Song
  45. Anyone remember Steampipe Alley?
  46. Children Cussing Songs
  47. Anybody remember this show .......
  48. How about this show ........
  50. Class trips
  51. Fav. Beatles Song?
  52. Favorite Holiday Cartoon
  53. Your First 45 Single?
  54. Childhood Games
  55. Remember when MTV played Music, especially those old cheesy videos?
  56. Any Cheap Trick fans on the board?
  57. Who here remembers the Groovie Ghoulies?
  58. Are there any dot commandos still out there?
  59. Halloween Pranks
  60. An interesting Quote from 1989
  61. Best in school birthday treat.
  62. Whens the first time you saw a real black person.
  63. In honor of Joe Poo: fave Doors' album/song?
  64. Fave KISS song...
  65. Better Dancer: Fred "Rerun" Berry or Michael Jackson?
  66. An Old School Board Memory
  67. Happy Halloween: What Was Your Coolest Costume As A Kid?
  68. Dangerous Childhood Toys
  69. yo old school i'm talking high school
  70. good times? or the jeffersons?
  71. the old GONG SHOW
  72. Chilly Willy The Penguin and Fez
  73. Who Were Your Childhood Heroes?
  74. Children's Books
  75. who was funnier otis or earnest t bass?
  76. Thou Hath Puncheth Me in the Ear- Shakespearan Fight Club
  77. Ace of Bass
  78. Remember Orbitz the drink???
  79. Heckler: The wariors
  80. What Old Song Makes You Cringe?
  81. Did you ever watch Degrassi High on PBS? If so...
  82. The Wanderers
  83. My Love Affair With "Aunt Bea"
  84. videogames you never Beat
  85. Marvin Gaye
  86. Favourite Bands: The British Invasion
  87. I Don't Care What Ron Says: Cher Rocks!
  88. The Chairman Of The Board: Sinatra Fans Check In!
  89. RIP: Ken Kessey
  90. Transformers
  91. Remember "HeadShops"?
  92. Guys: Wilma or Betty? Girls: Fred or Barney?
  93. RIP: Former Yankee Announcer Frank Messer
  94. Classic TV Characters: Who do you think was Gay?
  95. words shaved into head
  96. "The Little Girl who Lives Down the Lane"
  97. Westerns
  98. Anyone remember the "Concerts on the Pier"?
  99. Black Sabbath Appreciation Post
  100. 'Your' Horror movie during youth
  101. Any save their concert ticket stubs?
  102. snap bracelets
  103. pink floyd
  104. earliest memory
  105. What high school clique were you in?
  106. "Bubblegum" Rock
  107. Favorite Thanksgiving Holiday Cartoon
  108. Most "outstanding" holiday memories
  109. Rankin-Bass Rudolph Saturday
  110. Classic Country Music Fans?
  111. Your Favorite Classic Author?
  112. School plays
  113. Way cool site!
  114. Jem and the holigrams
  115. Old TV Characters: Battle Of Death!
  116. Hell! Hell is For Children!
  117. Favorite Christmas Show?
  118. Card Sharks
  119. When old toys are Remade
  120. Favorite Christmas Song?
  121. Random He-Man Characters
  122. Remember The First Time You Smoked Pot?
  123. lynyrd skynyrd
  124. Inside Gwen's Toybox...
  125. What was your yearbook quote?
  126. Frosty show tonight
  127. Bestest memory while high/tripping?
  128. JR high school dances
  129. Remember "Dark Shadows"?
  130. Where did the different cliques hang out at your High School?
  131. Rember when we used to type ROWK
  132. Sexiest TV Action Character?
  133. wackiest utility you've seen on THE FLINTSTONES
  134. Trapper Keepers
  135. Remebr being hit in the nuts in school
  136. We Had Crap!
  137. Elvis Costello Fans Sound Off!
  138. Did you play with toys in the tub?
  139. Favorite Muppet...
  140. Favorite Muppet song?
  141. does anyone remember this toy??????
  142. How Did Your Parents Discipline You?
  143. Your first fight.....
  144. Happy Meal toys?
  145. Candy That Sucked!
  146. 80s Song Lyrics Game
  147. Most Annoying Christmas Song
  148. Loot Bags!
  149. How did you find out there was no Santa?
  150. Giants at Yankee Stadium, Jets at Shea
  151. Old Martial Arts Films
  152. 90's song lyric game
  153. Best Gym class games?
  154. "War Toys": What Happened?
  155. A Holiday Message...Please Read
  156. K-tel albums
  157. RIP: Foster Brooks
  158. Old Loony Tunes
  159. '45s
  160. Do you remember Freedomland?
  161. Tastycakes
  162. Bring Back "Beavis and Butthead"!
  163. Palisades Amusement Park?
  164. Your Worst New Year's Eve?
  165. who was your first crush??
  166. Nick at Night New Years
  167. SGT Peppers OR Pet Sounds?
  168. most talented rock star (who is dead)
  169. OS TV SHows you'd want to see in the 90s
  170. Scooby Doo (Mysteries!!??)
  171. Hughes Trilogy or Fast Times?
  172. Old School Fashion
  173. larry appleton and balky bartokumus??
  174. Wacky Packages
  175. John Saxon Appreciation Thread
  176. Who Were Your Childhood Sports Heroes?
  177. "Star Wars" Collectibles?
  178. micronauts
  179. fav. transformer
  180. What "Little Rascals" Character Do You Relate To?
  181. This musak song i keep hearing over and over.......
  182. Vinyl?! HA!!
  183. Remembering MTV's "Headbangers Ball" and "120 Minutes"
  184. what ever happened to spaghetto's with franks?
  185. Anyone ever do this?
  186. Scrubbing Bubbles
  187. Anybody remember windup TOMY toys??
  188. Green Lantern and Wood
  189. Which TV show would you like to see back on?
  190. Carole and Paula
  192. Today's Music: Where Is The Talent?
  193. What were these things called?
  194. Lee Majors Appreciation Thread
  195. Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots
  196. big wheel vs green machine
  197. Your First Computer?
  198. Best animated 80's tv show
  199. Yee Hah! Any "Southern Rock" Fans?
  200. The "Green Acres" Debate: Farm Living or City Life?
  201. the last unicorn
  202. John Candy
  203. Anyone know how to break dance?
  204. The Flexible Flyer
  205. Classic Atari Arcade Games on Playstation!
  206. Animal Superheroes
  207. Snappier Dresser
  208. 80's chicks.
  209. Switcheroo Movies
  210. Creepy Kids' Movies
  211. Tom Carvel: Legend
  212. Black Christmas
  213. What ever happened to...
  214. My Generation (not the song)
  215. Fess Parker!
  216. DOES ANYONE REMEMBER A BAD FOX TV sketch comedy show...
  217. Your favorite Nickelodean shows
  218. Remember Yo-Yo's?
  219. Last fight.
  220. Porn Back In The Day
  221. lady lovley locks
  222. Who Would Win In A Fight: Al Dukes vs Alfalfa?
  223. Anyone own a muscle car?
  224. GIGANTOR!
  225. The Archies vs Josie & The Pussycats
  226. Potato Head Kids Series
  227. A Gun At Your Head: Have Sex With WHAT "Golden Girl"?
  228. Oregon Trail
  229. lemonade stand game
  230. Godzilla vs The Smog Monster and Other Classics
  231. "Lost In Space" Memories
  233. Bernard Meltzer
  234. Anybody Ever Drink "Tab"?
  235. The "Funny" Cosby Show
  236. What Old Dances Can You Remember?
  237. The Electric Company
  238. Who was the most famous grad from your HS?
  239. John Wayne or Clint Eastwood?
  240. Who was your favorite horror movie monster/villian?
  241. Remember Ed Grimley?
  242. "Deep Purple" Appreciation Thread
  243. Remembering The "Old" Madison Square Garden
  244. OLD TV Show Parents: Who Were The Best?
  245. designer jeans
  246. cross on the green
  247. skullzy
  248. "Melissa"
  249. Did You Have A "NickName" As A Kid?
  250. Blade Runner - Why'd He Save Him?